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RIP Steve McNair


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he was cheating on his wife with some crazy bitch who ended up murder suiciding his ass....sounds like a winner


Where the fuck did you hear that bullshit? Man it's all speculation at this point

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Guest tbutera2112

jointly-rented condo with some chick who wasnt his wife


found shot multiple times in her place on the couch, not running to the door or anything, just chillen on the couch


dead women found next to him on the floor with one shot in her own head and a pistol laying next to her



do the math

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Guest tbutera2112




oh and i read wrong, the condo was jointly rented with a friend of his, not the chick...but that doesnt really change anything, he didnt rent that place with his wife.....he was joint owner on said crazy bitches escalade



The bodies were discovered Saturday afternoon by McNair's longtime friend Wayne Neeley, who rents the condo with McNair, 36.



Kazemi and McNair were pulled over on Thursday for a DUI. Kazemi, who was driving at the time, was arrested. McNair was in the front seat, but didn't break the law and was allowed to leave by taxi. The vehicle, a 2007 Cadillac Escalade, was registered to both the former star quarterback and the 20-year-old woman.



When asked if signs pointed to a murder-suicide, Aaron said he was only giving the facts, which he explained were: "Examination of the bodies shows McNair was shot multiple times. Ms. Kazemi sustained one gunshot would to head. A pistol was found near her body. McNair was on the sofa, and Ms. Kazemi was on the floor near the sofa."

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Guest tbutera2112
Thanks for the link, I hadn't heard any of that. Damnnnn shits fucked up


yea it is...guess my initial post was a little harsh sounding lol...i meant that crazy chick sounded like a winner...idk much about him ,but from what ive been reading it seems like he was a pretty stand up guy towards the community

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jointly-rented condo with some chick who wasnt his wife


found shot multiple times in her place on the couch, not running to the door or anything, just chillen on the couch


dead women found next to him on the floor with one shot in her own head and a pistol laying next to her



do the math


Yep, that's my first thought too. The Escalade that was registered to her AND McNair and had the address listed as McNairs restaurant. Humm, now why would you do that?

His own brother didn’t know anything about this “Friend”

The Police said that they are NOT actively looking for a suspect at this point based on the evidence found at the crime scene. Hummm….


Now add that to all the things you mentioned and well…. IF it is true, that sucks ass. 1. The Girl was only 20! What a waist. 2. McNair left behind his family…

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