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Sarah Palin - Resigns - Federal Indictment


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A Sarah Palin federal indictment was suspected before, but a Sarah Palin federal indictment is now expected, after Sarah Palin's esignation. Discussion of a Sarah Palin Sarah Palin Federal Indictment Feared After Resignation federal indictment came almost right after Palin resigned from office yesterday. There have been a few Sarah Palin scandals in which she didn't face federal indictment, but it may be a new scandal that does the trick this time.


Reports came in on the Internet that Sarah Palin could face a federal indictment for an embezzlement scandal. The accusations have Palin taking money from the construction of a sportsw complex in Wasilla, and using it to help build a home for Palin close by.


This happened when Sarah Palin was Mayor of Wasilla, with speculation that Palin inflated the cost of building the complex so she could use some of the money. The supply company, Spenard Building Supplies, has close ties to both Palin and disgraced former Senator Ted Stevens.


Speculation went up that a federal indictment was about to be handed down to Sarah Palin, which would explain her resignation. Since her resignation came so suddenly, and without much explanation, federal indictment rumors have shot up as the top reason.


Others say that Palin just wanted to spend more time with her family, which is the most standard phrase used for any resigning official - and usually disguises the real reasons. Still others speculate that Palin just got tired of the "gotcha media" breathing down her neck.


Palin's sudden resignation, and possible federal indictment, closes the latest string of news and scandals around her, only to open a brand new chapter. These past weeks have been highlighted by Palin's epic protest against David Letterman's jokes about her family, and a recent damning Vanity Fair story about her.


Vanity Fair either exposed Palin's unpopularity among her peers as well as her vengeful side, or was the latest hit-job against a real American, depending on one's perspective. The story's timing is now even more suspicious, or ironic.


If a federal indictment comes, Palin will find it even harder to escape the "gotcha media" than usual. Ironically, Palin will soon be out of a job, just weeks after many of her supporters wanted David Letterman to lose hers for his infamous jokes.



But a federal indictment would take things to an even deeper level.





Just imagine is McCain had gotten elected!!!





  • Confused 1
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I'll talk shit AFTER she is found guilty, if she is of anything. Hardly a day passes without some politician being accused of scandal, so I'm not too quick to jump peoples shit. I'm very interested to see how this plays out.
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I would also like to see how this is played out. Maybe obama will resign for lying about his birth certificate and his affiliations with terrorists...That way i can start a thread that reads "obama resigns federal indictment" all in due time.
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I would also like to see how this is played out. Maybe obama will resign for lying about his birth certificate and his affiliations with terrorists...That way i can start a thread that reads "obama resigns federal indictment" all in due time.


The hate is strong in you....





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Wow - a "news" story fron "Associated Content" - sounds like Wikipedia for want to be reporters (from their "who is Associated Content"):


"Associated Content is an Open Content Network.

AC's platform enables anyone to participate in the new content economy by publishing content on any topic, in any format (text, video, audio and images), and connects that content to consumers, partners and advertisers."


Palin and Barry - two inexperienced people from opposite ends of the political spectrum. I just think Palin is a little more honest.

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I had the thread renamed to "Sarah Palin - Link to BS fake news", but opted to leave the thread as-is, because I hope anyone over the age of 10 can differentiate legitimate news from the link posted here.




Ending your July 4th party with a tall Everclear and juice is scarrrrrrrryyyyyyy.



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What part of McCain and Palin is good?


I am going to refrain from posting anything so I don't get myself in trouble. I'll leave it at this: I like my amendment rights the way there are now, and there are other things.

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