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Megan Fox BOOBIES!!!!


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How to make a sex symbol un-sexy: Just apply cold water.



She could be lacquered with a highly corrosive acid, and covered from head to toe with african killer bees, and I would still rub my naked body all over her.



Assuming she stays 20-something-ish forever.

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She could be a preternatural demon, from the seventh circle of hell, that violently murders, bifurcates, or dismembers all of her potential mates succubus style ... and be lacquered with a highly corrosive acid, and covered from head to toe with african killer bees, and I would still rub my naked body all over her.



Assuming she stays 20-something-ish forever.

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She offered to give me a hand job after returning from the seventh circle of hell earlier today. During dinner she said something about violently murdering or dismembers all of her potential mates succubus style. I honestly dont know what she said because I was staring at her toe thumb trying to find a way to ask her not to use that hand while pleasuring me.


I did however notice she had a jar of highly corrosive acid, and african killer bees.. I'm thinking this bitch is into some kinky shiot!!!!!. I figure it will take a little longer to climax and I could lose a few layers of skin... but what the hell, she still looks 20-something-ish so I'm going for it.


Now if you'll excuse me shes walking towards me with some lube and a machete http://smiliesftw.com/x/naughty.gif

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