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Human depravity contest


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I'm stealing the thread title from a guy on my other forum. Basically, this thread is all about the sickest, most downright awful things that people do that you read in the news. If you ever had faith in humanity, this thread should kill it real quick. See if you can one-up the other links with something even more disgustingly shocking. Keep it SFW - so limit it to what you can read in the news.

To start you all off and current front runner in the contest which I already posted in it's own thread:

Iraqi woman had 80 women raped then recruited as suicide bombers

Gang of children - some as young as TEN - caught slowly roasting puppies over bonfire


and in further dog related news:

Man has sex with girlfriend's dead dog in front of a daycare

...And Go!

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Great idea I just think you used your whole arsenal at one time... I will try to find a better one than having sex with the girlfriends dead dog though.

Yea, I did. But this stuff happens everyday. I'm sure I'll stumble across some more "humans = fail" articles soon enough. Good luck with your search. :)

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Probably not going to win mother of the year award.

Mother Charged With Child Abuse, Torture


HAMTRAMCK, Mich. - A metro Detroit mother of five was charged with child abuse and torture Wednesday after she called the police on herself.

Reyna Valentina, of Hamtramck, is accused of putting her 4-year-old daughter inside a heated oven and burning her eyes with a metal object.

"She stated that, 'Mom cooks me like a turkey in the oven," said Hamtramck police Detective Ben Bilecki. "The youngest daughter also said, 'Mama gave me the boo boos in my eyes.'"

The 40-year-old mother is also accused of beating her 6-year-old with a metal bar.


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Boy who died saving sister from rapist awarded


1) Rob house

2) Find nothing? Then rape 12 yr old

3) Rape attempt thwarted by 7 yr old? Then kill 7 year old.

Boy allegedly forced to use hands to unclog toilet


That's just gross.

And this is local:

Mother under investigation for nude photos


SHEFFIELD LAKE — A Sheffield Lake woman is under investigation for allegedly asking her children to take photos of her in various states of undress, including nude
Edited by JRMMiii
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Remember the crazy that dressed up as santa and killed a bunch of people at a xmas party in Cali? Check this crazy shit out...

California man told to pay slain ex-wife's rent

by Associated Press Thursday February 05, 2009, 1:47 AM

COVINA, Calif. -- The ex-husband of one of the nine people killed at a Christmas Eve party has been asked by a landlord to pay the dead woman's rent.

Broadcrest Foothill Apartment Homes claims Alicia Ortiz broke her lease and gave "insufficient notice to vacate."

Ortiz and her 17-year-old son were killed by her sister's disgruntled ex-husband.

The landlord of her Upland apartment informed her former husband, Carlos Ortiz, that he owes $2,821 in rent and penalties.

Says Carlos Ortiz, "I just don't understand it."

The manager of the property, Candyse Wardlow, refused to comment. Messages left at the company's office were not returned.

Alicia Ortiz, her son Michael and seven others were killed Dec. 24 by a gunman dressed as Santa Claus. He then burned the house and killed himself.


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