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How can I fix my Omni?


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I had my Omni painted several years ago. Most of the money went into prepping and repairing a few dents. I'm not sure what brand the paint is, but I believe I saw DuPont on the invoice. No clear coat. Most of the car is covered with rough areas resembling moderate-to-severe orange peel. I don't know what to do about it, but now I'm tired of looking at it. My spousal-unit bought me an inexpensive Craftsman 9" DA years ago. I used it with some Megs ScratchX and SwirlX and it didn't make a significant difference, although it did clean the surface of what I had. Polished the turd, you might say.


So...what can I do about a bad case of orange peel on a black, non-clear-coated "finish"? I'm prepared to invest a little money on tools and supplies.


After seeing this particular forum area, and talking with Doc a bit about his Yakuza-mobile at the newb meet-and-scare, I feel like I have a real opportunity to learn something new here.


Thanks, fellas.

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I was hoping to spend less than $300 for supplies on this project, but I suppose I could do $400 if I'm sure I've got the right tools. Now I read that a good electronic paint guage can be had for around $500. That's not a tool I'd use often. I'd likely use the polisher, however.


On the other hand, it's not exactly a collector car. It has a cheap paint job. I have a garage. It's not a daily driver. I have time to do it slowly. Would a paint thickness guage be of much use on a re-paint without being positive that all of the factory paint was removed?


Although I enjoy learning new skills, I'm wondering at what point I should just have someone else do it. The cost/benefit analysis could get a little iffy at the $400 mark.

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