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Scary story.


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So i walked into my cousins house and there was a dog in his kitchen sitting there looking at me, not even responding to any of my calls almost as if it was dead.. so i walk up to my cousin who is in the other room and i ask him "Whats wrong with your dog" and he said "i dont have a dog" i looked at him with a very eerie look on my face, and told him what i had just seen, when we both walked into the kitchen all we found was a dog collar with a a little tag on that read Max and a home address on it. My cousin told me that the address on the tag was a house just down the street from him. So we decided to investigate.

When we arrived at the house we noticed it looked like something out of a horror movie, the windows were covered by drapes that appeared to look very dirty, the grass and bushes had not been trimmed or watered in a very long time, the paint on the house was chipped and mold could be seen rotting the wood away. We knocked on the door to see if anyone was home, no one came, we knocked again and finally the door was opened.

A man answered the door, he appeared to be in his 50's, he asked us what we wanted, we told him if he had a dog named max, he looked at us with a surprise look on his face, he became distraught by our question, he demanded to know where we knew that information from. He asked if we were the police, he seemed very paranoid and jumpy. I explained to him what i had seen and showed him the tag we had found on the floor. He told us to come inside his home, we stepped in and had a seat in the living room. He begins to tell us about his childhood, he tells us max was his dog, he tell us that one day he had gone into the woods with his dog, that he came upon an old shack in the middle of the woods. His dog ran into the old shack and he chased after his dog. When he was inside the house, he began to hear noises from a room He told us that his dog never came out of that house, and never saw him again. He said it had happened so long ago he had no idea how we had found the dog tag. We started to hear some noises from the basement, as if something was moving down there, moving things around. We asked the man if he had anyone in the house and he replied no. All 3 of us got up and proceeded to walk down the stairs into the mans basement. As we slowly walked down the stairs we could still hear the noises the man was behind us and turned on a light hanging from above. The basement was fairly large it even appeared to have an entrance into another room. Along the walls were newspaper clippings, "Rabbid dog terrorizes neighbor hood pets" "Dog sightings have residents in fear" "Children gone missing" as we reached the floor we could hear no more noises. My cousin and i quickly looked around and saw nothing we told the old man we had to leave, and quickly ran out. When we got back to my cousins house we couldnt help but wonder what the hell had just happened.

My cousin told me he had been in the neighborhood for years and had never heard about it nor ever knew anyone who lived in that house. He called his parents to ask if they knew anything about what we had just experienced only for things to get even stranger.

His parents said told years ago a boy and his dog got lost in the forest a search party was sent out and never found him nor the dog. The only thing the police had ever found was a collar with the name max on it. We getting very scared, my cousin told his parents about the old man that lived down the street in the old house, they said no one had lived their for years, that the parents were found dead a few weeks after the police search had came back empty, apparently the parents were found in the basement with bite and claw marks everywhere. We couldnt believe this so we went back to the same house where we spoke to the old man, this time the windows were boarded up as if the house had been abandoned for years. It was then that my cousin and i realized the night before after having anal sex while we watched cujo was not a good idea, from that point on it was at that point where we drove back to his house for more of what we did the night before this time we wouldnt be watching a scary movie. Ill never forget that day it will probably haunt me for the rest of my life.

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