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The Ultimate Fighter 10


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Rampage and Rashad Evans are coaches (2nd time for Rampage)


Biggest suprise:

Kevin "Kimbo Slice" Ferguson (3-1)


The dude got exposed in Elite XC for not being an MMA fighter. Does not mean I would want to fuck with him. Just saying he couldn't hack it in that orginization what makes him and Dana White believe it'll be different against better fighters?




Bout time heavyweights got a go around on this show. Heres list of all fighters

* Zak Jensen (11-2)

* Marcus Jones (4-1

* Scott Junk (6-2) The name cracked me up

* John Madsen (3-0)

* James McSweeney (12-4

* Matt Mitrione (0-0

* Roy Nelson (14-4)

* Demico Rogers (4-0)

* Brendan Schaub (4-0)

* Darill Schoonover (10-0)

* Wes Shivers (3-1)

* Wes Sims (22-12-1)

* Kevin "Kimbo Slice" Ferguson (3-1)

* Abe Wagner (6-2)

* Mike Wessel (6-1)

* Justin Wren (10-1)

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kimbo = ratings


kimbo getting better = more ratings


kimbo gets fed to brock = lolz and $$$



He could maybe be half way good but I don't see him ever getting to the best of the best level. I would like to see him get some solid training and fight a legit fight.

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