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Hola CR.


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Back again hoping for some + reps.

What is the best, most effective way to get through the door?


Welcome to the site, ignore the idiots, most people on here dont have anything better to do than be e-thugs.

+1 on rep.

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Welcome to the site, ignore the idiots, most people on here dont have anything better to do than be e-thugs.

+1 on rep.



First off....

seriously welcome to the site man, enjoy it here dont mind the people who dont have anyhting else better to do than hate on you.


Second of all...Whats the difference of this guy putting up boobs trying to make people happy which it should, than all you retards literally raping girls who sign up saying "nudes or ban" what the difference nudity is nudity I have never seen a nws intro thread so deal with it maybe if you are at work dont be on a site that always have tons of nudity and shit


Third mach ones are sexy

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First off....

seriously welcome to the site man, enjoy it here dont mind the people who dont have anyhting else better to do than hate on you.


Second of all...Whats the difference of this guy putting up boobs trying to make people happy which it should, than all you retards literally raping girls who sign up saying "nudes or ban" what the difference nudity is nudity I have never seen a nws intro thread so deal with it maybe if you are at work dont be on a site that always have tons of nudity and shit


Third mach ones are sexy


When he does not tag it NWS and my National VP walks by my desk as I bring up the post, that is a problem. That sort of stuff gets people fired and is just stupid, besides I am pretty sure if captain fucktard would have read the sticky it talks about NWS posts.


***disclaimer I have no problem with nudity, boobs, or other pron***

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When he does not tag it NWS and my National VP walks by my desk as I bring up the post, that is a problem. That sort of stuff gets people fired and is just stupid, besides I am pretty sure if captain fucktard would have read the sticky it talks about NWS posts.


***disclaimer I have no problem with nudity, boobs, or other pron***


I apologized for it and Ill do so again.


If being a car enthusiast alone is not enough to be granted membership on a website, then I will pass on this one.

Flame away!

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I apologized for it and Ill do so again.


If being a car enthusiast alone is not enough to be granted membership on a website, then I will pass on this one.

Flame away!


Well around here it is due to the high amount of fucking dumbasses already running around and that try to join. We have to have some sort of filter on this pool even if it is a shitty K&N. Not my rules I just have to enforce them.


At this point you have 4 options:


1. Follow the sticky and do what is asked of you (recomended method)

2. Keep riding the fail train

3. Log out and give up

4. Wait for the permaban from another mod who is sick of your fail


I would recomend number 1 and you seem like you will be ok.

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When he does not tag it NWS and my National VP walks by my desk as I bring up the post, that is a problem. That sort of stuff gets people fired and is just stupid, besides I am pretty sure if captain fucktard would have read the sticky it talks about NWS posts.


***disclaimer I have no problem with nudity, boobs, or other pron***



UMMMMMMM, dont look at CR at work????????


Mached, get some pics up.

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I apologized for it and Ill do so again.


If being a car enthusiast alone is not enough to be granted membership on a website, then I will pass on this one.

Flame away!


Just follow the stickies as Wagner stated. Do not pay any attention the the goat herder( I love brian C ) He failed alot worse than you did when he joined.


Click here to visit my personal page.

Edited by Big Steve
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CR should be able to be viewed at work which is why we have rules!!!! If the title of the thread was "boobs inside" I could understand... but its not. Those giving Wagner a hard time need to stfu. I understand the noob made a mistake but I've seen people asking for noobs to be banned for a lot less. If he gets in fine, if not... oh well. Rep him and move on. The more people bitch the more likely I am to -rep him myself.


PS the next time you all beg to have a newb banned and we ignore you you'll understand why...


Pssssssssss Who unbanned him?

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