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My college plan


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As Thompson sees it, any reasonable employer would pounce on an applicant with her academic credentials, which include a 2.7 grade-point average and a solid attendance record.


Since when is a 2.7 something to pounce on? Fisher will kick you out of their program at OSU if you drop below a 3.0 for more than a quarter or two. If she was a straight A student, she'd have more of a case (though still not a legitimate one).

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I really hope see loses and there's a counter suit from the college for tarnishing their name.


Why? They wouldn't get anything out of her, she doesn't have a job remember.


This is pretty lame, I mean it's tuff for anyone looking for a job now. I'm sure there are a lot more qualified and EXPERIENCED people out there who have been laid off and can't find work. I guess she's just going the lazy route, "if I can't get a job when I want one then it has to be someone elses fault" :rolleyes:

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