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Phils moving to Cincy?


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so this is how the piggyback fuck seesion starts

mike d argues while on dovers bike, dover pulls a naked mandum, andrew hops on dovers back, brandon is the hyoe man, and paul pulls his chinny chin chin hair and cant decide rather to hold on from dovers nuts or slap the mic from brandons mouth.



honestly you acted like a bunch of immature ricers reving your hondas up over $20. i got a bunch of pms saying all my friends are stuck up fagots who would rather bitch about lunch $ then just run for fun. andrew neither u or i had a car to run so you should stfu til you bring your shit back out. and dover, way to ride your own bike, oh forgot your babies daddy had to lose your money for you cuz u were to much of a pussy to race a guy in golfer shorts.



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phil stfu an get off there nuts. sorry but you shoudl be on our side....



an yea brandon shouildnt be sayign anythign cause well he didnt have shit ti run

dover mike me who gives a shit who rides the bike. frankly they wouldnt know whos bike it was if we didnt specify so whats teh big deal with riding some one elses shit?


moral of the story stop cupping there balls an get your pos done lol

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you drie a accord why the fuck your on COLUMBUS racing is beyond me :gtfo:


Apparently spelling is beyond you. I'm on here just to read and see what's going on in C-bus. I was going to come up for an autox event sometime this summer but the events are always scheduled the same days as ours. I also met Phil at the Cincy meet and felt like chiming in. Anything else?

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Apparently spelling is beyond you. I'm on here just to read and see what's going on in C-bus. I was going to come up for an autox event sometime this summer but the events are always scheduled the same days as ours. I also met Phil at the Cincy meet and felt like chiming in. Anything else?

yes actually


yea i know i cant type/spell woo


since you WERE going to come up to an autox event but doesnt seem like you are now ... GO BACK TO CINCY. an im sorry but if you met phil an think hes any sort of interesting to talk to. you shoudl hang you self. true story

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yes actually


yea i know i cant type/spell woo


since you WERE going to come up to an autox event but doesnt seem like you are now ... GO BACK TO CINCY. an im sorry but if you met phil an think hes any sort of interesting to talk to. you shoudl hang you self. true story




Why are any of CR's members on CSS? For the same reason, to pass the time at work/end boredom.


Thanks for your concern though.

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phil stfu an get off there nuts. sorry but you shoudl be on our side....



an yea brandon shouildnt be sayign anythign cause well he didnt have shit ti run

dover mike me who gives a shit who rides the bike. frankly they wouldnt know whos bike it was if we didnt specify so whats teh big deal with riding some one elses shit?


moral of the story stop cupping there balls an get your pos done lol


How is it bein all over the Cincy guys nuts when he pretty much speaks the truth on how it went down?


Heres the run down:

-Bald talks mad shit

-Bald guy will run the Busa against anyone there

-Busa isnt even HIS bike

-Dover wouldnt do a dig for money but would do a roll

-Bald and 1k decided to do a 40 roll for $20

-as stated in another thread...Blad guy admitted cheatin and leavin on the second honk but

-Bald guy lost to 1k....I was there and saw it with my own eyes. Along with another rider who was right beside them

-Bald doesnt man up and pay the WEAK $20 HE bet


Moral of the story....rude and run your own damn bike and not let someone else do the walkin for you.

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Why are any of CR's members on CSS? For the same reason, to pass the time at work/end boredom.


Thanks for your concern though.

ummmm we all joined cause we were coming down last weekend...an what do you know we actually came down. way to go fucktard

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nope ive got a wet nap.


so when can i drag that pos of yours around an autox course for some $


Whenever you feel like beating an Accord to make you feel better about yourself :lol:


I don't race for money, I drive an Accord. To bet money on it would be retarded. And yes, I know it's an Accord but it's getting me through college and I have some fun in it. So if you'd like to come down for an event and beat my fastest time for shits, giggles and another notch in your ricer-belt, be my guest.

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Whenever you feel like beating an Accord to make you feel better about yourself :lol:


I don't race for money, I drive an Accord. To bet money on it would be retarded. And yes, I know it's an Accord but it's getting me through college and I have some fun in it. So if you'd like to come down for an event and beat my fastest time for shits, giggles and another notch in your ricer-belt, be my guest.


i drive a neon... ....pussy.....

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you stupid fucking fucks, did I not say i would run from a fucking dig with that faggot for money YES i did its on film you idiot. HOLY SHIT i did ride my bike THE whole time Mike just want to run that faggot on the 1k for money so i let him ride my bike, I RAN THAT KID I RAN EVERY BIKE THERE! get YOUR fucking facts straight you dumb fucks.
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First I agree with will to past time. Second phil you were the one running around yelling stupid shit. And how the fuck am I stuck up? Really this shit is gay and beyond me that it would have to come to you to bash your friends for the sake that you have cool points in there books. You know for damn sure were not stuck up bitches or whatever they said. Third get the fuck over the bike shit I mean really its old news. I'm really quite shitty that you'd go so low to bash your friends over some stupid shit. Fourth paul your really getting on my last fucking nerve with this shit we all knoe my car isn't running whoop de fuckin dooo. Its ok to try and mediate and be cool on both sides but to be a dick rider and bash us come on now........
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First I agree with will to past time. Second phil you were the one running around yelling stupid shit. And how the fuck am I stuck up? Really this shit is gay and beyond me that it would have to come to you to bash your friends for the sake that you have cool points in there books. You know for damn sure were not stuck up bitches or whatever they said. Third get the fuck over the bike shit I mean really its old news. I'm really quite shitty that you'd go so low to bash your friends over some stupid shit. Fourth paul your really getting on my last fucking nerve with this shit we all knoe my car isn't running whoop de fuckin dooo. Its ok to try and mediate and be cool on both sides but to be a dick rider and bash us come on now........




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