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Phils moving to Cincy?


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paul wen did you get all homoish? i mean honestly you are the biggest dick swinger out of all of us. you hang with mike and dover one nite and now you want to run for money. ive been with you enough times to know you dont run for money, but you think you have some swag now and talk way out of your shoes. i think its funny that im a nutswinger for playing middle man and calling it like i see it. we had a good time, i didnt care about the bike race and the bitching. what was annoying is that they said over and over, we dont run for $, and you guys kept bringing it up, calling there scene lame and so on. the kid on the 1k was a homo. end of story. i dont argue that, but what is stupid is the fact that my "friends" got super butt hurt over $20. $20 fucking dollars. brandon im not bashing my friends, but if you are going to talk shit about cars, please have somthing to run. i dont talk shit about racing unless im with my friends but you just run off at the mouth bench racing like a mother fucker. that shit is annoying, and i think its funny people agree with me on the phone, but let them get on cr and they are like, nope i didnt say that. atleast im being honest the whole way through. if im a nutswinger so be it, but atleast cincy has a scene that we can go to and not catch a shit storm for it.
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Ok thank you for being honest. And you act like you've never benched race before so don't give me that bullshit seriously! And only thing I stated was the obvious so I don't wanna hear it. And if someone else gotta say something say it! And don't give me that bullshit about bench racing cause evry mother fucker has not just I. Shit like that pisses me off if your gonna talk behind my back say it to my face! I've never stated once that there scene was lame I said its cool the manager at qsl let you guys do that so don't include me into that bullshit at all. It wouldn't have gotten this far if people dodnt have to talk so much shit after throwing fucking rascist words around. And you know damn well if I had my car running I'd be racing so don't tell me I don't ever race!
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First off I was making fun of them cause there uber fags for roll racing bikes... not for$ also for them saying were husslin them for. Dover hacing a modded bike.... again not for $



Oh an I. Told u on the phone what I said on here lol but I'm cool like that hahaha. Phil u need to breate man. Have a drink kill a hooker or something. Ur taking crap too serious.




::I just farted in my car. Ewwwe::

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so this is how the piggyback fuck seesion starts

mike d argues while on dovers bike, dover pulls a naked mandum, andrew hops on dovers back, brandon is the hyoe man, and paul pulls his chinny chin chin hair and cant decide rather to hold on from dovers nuts or slap the mic from brandons mouth.



honestly you acted like a bunch of immature ricers reving your hondas up over $20. i got a bunch of pms saying all my friends are stuck up fagots who would rather bitch about lunch $ then just run for fun. andrew neither u or i had a car to run so you should stfu til you bring your shit back out. and dover, way to ride your own bike, oh forgot your babies daddy had to lose your money for you cuz u were to much of a pussy to race a guy in golfer shorts.







Phil, you showed up over 3 hours late to you own planned event.




Dover offered to run the kid from a dig, and roll (correct me if I am wrong). What is wrong with Mike racing him on the same bike. Neither Mike or our side ever say anything about the twenty after the first run. We just wanted to run again for teh sol fact of wanting to get it across that we were faster at that point. Cincy should just meet us in Mexico for some very much needed clarification from last weekend.



This thread was not made to bring back the whole bike arguement. It was ment to give Phil a hard time and get some more arguing going on, aside from the bike one.




So Phil, stfu untill you can show up on time to just ONE!!! of your events.


The bike thing should chill out and just happen again with a camera and people from both sides watching.



Thank you,


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you stupid fucking fucks, did I not say i would run from a fucking dig with that faggot for money YES i did its on film you idiot. HOLY SHIT i did ride my bike THE whole time Mike just want to run that faggot on the 1k for money so i let him ride my bike, I RAN THAT KID I RAN EVERY BIKE THERE! get YOUR fucking facts straight you dumb fucks.




you know what ullbesorry bring your stupid ass here and ill run you and your fat mouth 750 from whatever your heart desires from whatever money your ass can afford..


You must be dumb as fuck thinkin I would run a basiclly stock 750 aginst a lowered Busa for money. You need to build your huge ego up some more or somethin? :asshole:


Thats like sayin Ill run my DD stock 92 Teg against your Boosted Cobra from a dig to the 1320 mark for $1k....hahaha...you're killin me.

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