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UFC 101 Predictions


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Only 2 fights worth doing predictions on:


B.J. Penn (13-5-1) vs. Kenny Florian (11-3)


This could be a really good fight. Florian has some good skills and could frustrate Penn, but that will be his only chance. Penn's groud game is nasty and if he decided to actually train for this and keep his cardio up Ken Flow is in for a long night.


Penn wins


Anderson Silva (24-4) vs. Forrest Griffin (16-5)


All I can say is WOW. Silva wanted a challange and Dana sticks him in the cage with Forrest. This could very well be the fight of the night and maybe fight of the year. Forest is going to give Silva fits with his style and head made of concrete. In the end Silva will use his voodoo black magic and pull something out of his ass to win the judges hearts, because he won't knock Forrest out or submit him unless he gets lucky.


Silva wins but closer than the experts predict

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i believe they are both going to be great fights.

i think KenFlo pulls off the upset in the 4th round or decision

i want to see Forrest win, but this is anyone's fight, Silva is technically much better, but griffin is naturally bigger, stronger, and has one hell of a chin.

Silva will have to submit him, but if he doesn't, or has another fight like his last, he will be dropped from the best pound-for-pond fighter talk

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Penn and Griffin.


I don't like Penn but the man is insane. I would rather see him win.


I say Griffin b/c of his chin and I think he knows how to prep for each individual fight and trains for each individual opponent. Looka t what he did to Rampage.

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i believe they are both going to be great fights.

i think KenFlo pulls off the upset in the 4th round or decision

i want to see Forrest win, but this is anyone's fight, Silva is technically much better, but griffin is naturally bigger, stronger, and has one hell of a chin.

Silva will have to submit him, but if he doesn't, or has another fight like his last, he will be dropped from the best pound-for-pond fighter talk


I did not realize how big Forest was until I met him. 6'3" 240 is what he walks around it! Silva is a big middle weight but not that big. Forest is no joke and could really pose some problems for Silva with his size and the fact he is bat shit crazy and won't back down or roll over like the past few Silva oppoents.

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Penn and Silva.


Forrest is a faggot and I hope Anderson's knees smash a hole in his face. I've hated that guy ever since his loss to Jardine (I think it was that fight) where he went into crybaby mode.


Bet you liked Tito too

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After silvia's last performance!:rolleyes:




silvia run around the ring and didn't fight! everybody got took, 50 bucks (payperview). We'll let forrest get our money back!:bangbang:

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I did not realize how big Forest was until I met him. 6'3" 240 is what he walks around it! Silva is a big middle weight but not that big. Forest is no joke and could really pose some problems for Silva with his size and the fact he is bat shit crazy and won't back down or roll over like the past few Silva oppoents.


That's where i think the problem is. Silva can end the fight with a knee or to and if griffin isn't smart about not backing down it could be over. I like them both equally i've watched forest since he's started UFC, and silva well he's silva

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forest will win, he is a very smart fighter and know how to prepare for each fight. anderson's never faced s stricker like forest before. forest by decision.


You honestly think Forest is a better striker than Silva? Silva fucking broke dude's eye socket with knees. He dropped every other competitor like it was a joke. He acts calm, waits for one mistake and explodes. I can't wait to watch this fight lol.

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You honestly think Forest is a better striker than Silva? Silva fucking broke dude's eye socket with knees. He dropped every other competitor like it was a joke. He acts calm, waits for one mistake and explodes. I can't wait to watch this fight lol.


Forest is not a better striker you are right. Forest is very good with game plans and how he takes away an oppoents strength.


Silva has dropped every other competitor he faced because THEY were a joke. That is why they won't put him up against Hendo again. Hendo was beating him when they fought here in Columbus but got caught in a scramble at the end of a round he was winning.


This fight will be the best of the night.

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Forest is not a better striker you are right. Forest is very good with game plans and how he takes away an oppoents strength.


Silva has dropped every other competitor he faced because THEY were a joke. That is why they won't put him up against Hendo again. Hendo was beating him when they fought here in Columbus but got caught in a scramble at the end of a round he was winning.


This fight will be the best of the night.


bingo. and I said anderson hasn't faced a stricker like forest.

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Silva has to take the patented Kimbo Slice "im gonna bust open your ear so hard everyone in America feels it" approach or he's got no chance


I really can't believe that people think Griffin actually has a chance. Silva is going to walk straight through him.

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