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That is great. I really support those guys. What they did is perfectly legal and I am happy they are getting the press they did. Maybe it will open up the minds of people who are for gun rights. But also it will come with some reistance. I find it bad that they could get a comment from the Brady group, but couldn't get anything from the NRA yet. :(
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What's a great thing, is not only are these people being public, but also vocal and Responsible.


Yeah it shows that most gun owners are responsible people that are not out to kill people, even if the president that you might not agree with is very close.

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I think I will switch to that church.;)

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I wonder if people would still be bitching about this guy if his answer to the question, "Why are you carrying that scary assault cannon around?!?!" -was-, "To protect my president."





Well, of course they would....cause it's not HIS JOB to do that and his help is not needed or wanted.



Actually, it is a right. ;)


You're trying to troll

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You're trying to troll

Actually, you accomplished this first when you posted the following:


Just cause you can do shit, legally, doesn't mean it's right.

Doing something Legally is doing something that is right. If it were wrong it would more likely be illegal. Regardless if this is a Right based argument, if something is legal, it can't be wrong. Legality isn't based on moral or personal opinion, so what you think doesn't amount to shit on what is right or wrong.





and I wish we truly supported OC here

There is support HERE. Read the subforum for OHIO and see how much support there really is. Don't worry about being the "Hero" by doing this "first", instead, join the many people who are already out there trying to make a positive difference for us (you). Also, don't bite into the stories of "inducing panic", "brandishing", etc etc about OCing. OCing is a legal activity, you can't be charged for those incidents while doing a legal activity unless you were really waving your gun around and what not while OCing. It's just media hype and ignorance when you hear of such occurances.

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