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that dude

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1. Keyboard Warrior 150 up, 15 down thumbsup.gifthumbsdown.gif

1. A Person who, being unable to express his anger through physical violence (owning to their physical weakness, lack of bravery and/or conviction in real life), instead manifests said emotions through the text-based medium of the internet, usually in the form of aggressive writing that the Keyboard Warrior would not (for reasons previously mentioned) be able to give form to in real life.

2. The term is a combination of the word 'keyboard' (the main tool by which the person expresses his/her latent rage) and 'warrior' (due to the warrior-like aggression, tendency towards violence, headstrong nature and propensity towards brute force as a means of resolving conflict rather than more subtle means dependant on finesse).

3. The Keyboard Warrior seeks to use the power imbued in his 'weapon' to effect death and destruction (in a strictly-metaphorical sense) upon his foes (other virtual identities he has encountered on the internet). In essence, the keyboard (ie. text input ability) allows the keyboard warrior to manifest his true warrior nature in a safe and removed environment, from which no real-life repercussions .

4. Keyboard Warriors are generally identified by unneccessary rage in their written communications, and are regarded as 'losers' by other virtual identities on the internet.

'that dude' is such a keyboard warrior when he gets onto the internet.

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Are we still goin on about the whole "Hyper sports can't turn" thing? Holy fuck can we give it up already. Grow up.

so you think a Gixxer with a 4" stretch can't turn? or could a Gixxer with a 4" stretch turn? just answer that, because essentially thats all a 'Bus is. Yes it's heavier and slightly wider, but so is your mother.

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never started it..but im gonna end it this spring when i meet sammyboy..my spring ride priority

You sure about that dude?

We can settle this like men, on a ride or with some yokee' and beers.

Either way im standing with sambusa.

DTC for LIfe Chavala.

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^^^ for sure, i understand its your riding buddy but i might know a few people with motocycles who wanna ride too..

So go hang out with them then, because you're quickly wearing out your welcome here for somebody whose supposedly trying to make new friends & fit in!


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You all are just talking shit because it's winter and you're not riding.

As soon as the weather clears and you're all on your bikes, you won't do shit but ride together.

I don't know who started this shit, but I am ending it.

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