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IPS is now on FACEBOOK...Help us out!


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We have not been able to post much lately do to the EXTREMELY high amount of business we have been having, which we are only greatly appreciative!


So to help our client base keep up with our social happenings, and client builds we have created our own face book page. I will do my best to keep up loading photos, we have literally 1000's from client builds new and old. I am also trying to up load all of our new and old videos to the page, along with our you tube channel.


I am also posting to to help us, by up loading your on comments, and videos and photos to our page! If you are a client of ours new or old, or if you arent and have some just good general automotive related information, post it up! We have so much going on and really have not the time with the amount of service and sales we are currently having, so again help us out if you can!


Here are the links to our web page which has a direct link to facebook at the top. http://www.ipsmotorsports.net .


Here is the link to our facebook page directly! http://www.facebook.com/pages/IPS-Motorsports/81134211436




-Team IPS

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