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Kanye West = Biggest Douche Canoe of them all


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Kayne was just googled 16 billion more times by old people, and people in other countries wondering who our president is calling a jackass.


I get what you're saying and totally agree with you. I told someone yesterday that maybe if everyone was to ignore this ignorant fuck, maybe, must maybe he'd go away.

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I get what you're saying and totally agree with you. I told someone yesterday that maybe if everyone was to ignore this ignorant fuck, maybe, must maybe he'd go away.


Nope, he's Kanye.. he would throw a fit like a little baby until people paid attention to him.

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so i read that Kanye is now on suicide watch and the press needs to cut back the coverage of what happened.


I call bullshit....just some more attention Kanye wants to get.......but if it is true....i hope he doesnt kill himself....he's a great producer and I would never wish for someone to kill themselves......hopefully he will just realize how much of a dick he is......and be a humble person.

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Bullshit the president said he's a "Jack Ass" OFF THE RECORD. He's mad that his off the record opinion was reported. It's Bullshit our president can't say what he really feels. So frustrated with what our country has become.




For once, I agree with you.

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