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UFC 103


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Rich Franklin Vs. Vitor Belfort


This could be a very quick fight. Both of these guys are really good on their feet and have heavy hands. I have not seen Belfort fight in a while and this is his 3rd stint in the UFC so he can be hit or miss.


I am going with the Ohio boy Franklin on this one.


Mirko Cro Cop Vs. Junior Dos Santos


Not going to lie I am a Cro Cop fan. This guy back in the day was a freaking wrecking machine, then he got hurt. Did not see how good he was in his last fight after the eye poke but he was looking tough. They are kind of throwing Santos off the deep end to see what he is made of and to see if Cro Cop has it still.


I am going with Cro Cop with some sort of stoppage on this.


Martin Kampmann Vs. Paul Daley


This was supposed to be a fight with Swick to see who would get beat on by GSP next. Swick got hurt and now they are throwing a short notice replacement in. Typically these short notice fights get messy since you have to change a game plan on the fly.


I am going with Kampmann because he has looked damn good as of late and I would have picked him over Swick.


Josh Koscheck Vs. Frank Trigg


Talk about an interesting fight. These guys are two great fighters to see go at it with anybody. Stick them in a cage together and this could be like the Guida Sanchez fight. I see some toe to toe swinging with bad intentions fight type of stuff.


I am going with Koscheck just because he is a bit more well rounded and can take this to the ground if needed.


Overall a pretty good card even with no title fights.

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Belfort will destroy Rich...(hate to admit it, and i like Rich). I remember watching Belfort when he won at 19 aginst Scott Ferazzo. Belfort is a bad bad man.

I think Cro Cop will win purely out of experience.

Koscheck and Trigg will be a good one. Usually the guy who talks the most shit loses...that would be Koscheck. He hits so damn hard though so I dont know. Trigg put on a killer performance with Matt Hughes (3rd) and anyone who can hang with Matt like Trigg did...makes them a bad man too. My prediction will go to Trigg...by tap.

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Vitor is not the same man he was 8-10 years ago, he's dropped lots of weight, and gained MORE SPEED!

i don't know who to root for in this match as i like them both, and i have no clue as to the outcome, this should be a great fight


CroCop either destroys Dos Santos, or retires!

he has been one of my favorite fighters also, but i wanna see the old Mirko or nothing

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...Andre Arlovski 15-7 ...Tim Sylvia 25-6. They are not over the hill. Fedor is a year older than them. Fedor is only a year older than Brock. Sooo...


Have you seen the last Tim Sylvia fight? He got knocked out by an over the hill boxer in 9 seconds.


There is a reason why Arlovski is not in the UFC anymore he was and still is loosing. Fedor just exposed his glass chin on a large scale then Brent Rodgers made him his bitch.


Fedor is good but not god.

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Fuck all this, I want to see someone take on my boy Brock, and then I want to see someone kick the shit out of that monkey Anderson Silva.


the likely hood of anyone beating Anderson Silva is slim to none. Nate the great is up next and Anderson already destroyed him once.


Maybe you didn't see what your so called "monkey" just did to Forrest Griffin.

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gsp vs. silva would be unreal/logical, it seems like a possibility. Both fighters have completely destroyed their weight classes.


silva vs. machida would be amazing as well. Anderson said they are friends and refuses to fight him. Dana White said he's not buying that shit in some interview I read.


The 170, 185, 205, and heavyweight champions in the ufc represents the cream of the crop in mma no questions asked.


I can't stand Brock and would love to see him fight Fedor. Brock's size and athleticism are the only things that keep him on top. His technique is garbage and I would love to see Fedor put him to the test.

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No one has mentioned Machida, He and silva will never fight. (they say) Funny not many really give him alot of credit, even though he has yet to even lose 1 round.

I want to see Machida's next title defense, it should come before Lesners next fight.


Fedor is now making a career out of beating up UFC rejects. I feel Fedors submission game is better than Mir's but Fedor isn't as big or strong as Mir either.

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Silva and Machida would be the most boring match of all time. Yes it would prob be a good fight, but god could you imagine how boring it would be. Silva lately has been dancing around not wanting to strike a lot and Machida's fighting style is boring too.


Fedor is a beast no questions asked, however he is a douche and will never be in UFC so honestly the whole Fedor vs Brock is kinda pointless. I would still pick Lesnar to win that one

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