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Emergency PartyRockKrew Gathering Tonight, Vanilla ICE!!!! Sept. 24


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Vanilla ICE will be at McFaddens tonight they got 2 dolla Coronas and tons of Freshman pussy for all of us.


We will be leaving my place on campus at 1045, If you dont know where I live call someone who does.:p

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We have killed 12 40's already off the beer rifle and a ball joint broke off in the parking lot of 14-0 when getting more beer in our buddiews volvo..... Nothing funnier than telling the story over and over and watching people laugh cause were all drunk. except the driver




Yours all pussys!

Edited by neonkiller
lost concentration
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im down for whatever. wekilled so many 40s at my place then to top the night off vanilla was telling everyone our group was the party. he did a burnout thru third in the stang sighned the door handle and gave us tons of free yager. stimmel still has a hard on as vanilla ice drove his car. id like to thank everyone who sacraficed there fri like our buddy zack he is interning at merrill and finch.... beer rifles own everyone. sorry for the no caps im on my phone and lazy
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im down for whatever. wekilled so many 40s at my place then to top the night off vanilla was telling everyone our group was the party. he did a burnout thru third in the stang sighned the door handle and gave us tons of free yager. stimmel still has a hard on as vanilla ice drove his car. id like to thank everyone who sacraficed there fri like our buddy zack he is interning at merrill and finch.... beer rifles own everyone. sorry for the no caps im on my phone and lazy


Fuck the military... I sooo would have been there!!! Damn it! Oh well Last deployment for this guy! LoL

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2.5 miles hahaha how was it I'm sitting here right now looking at it and I wish it was at 100% and paul yes vanilla ice is a wildman


I raced phils gt40p/intake car from 30, gave him the hit in third and shifted at 3.5 and walked about 5 cars. That's how fun it was.


I was like damn all this money and it's sitting a car ahead of this homo



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