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Obama wins Nobel peace prize


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Just one more thing to worship him for.........


The only people on this site(as well as others) that keep him in discussion are the ones who hate on the man. Let him at least fail miserably first. BTW I've yet to ever meet an Obama worshiper, show me one please, I'll smack him for you.

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The only people on this site(as well as others) that keep him in discussion are the ones who hate on the man. Let him at least fail miserably first. BTW I've yet to ever meet an Obama worshiper, show me one please, I'll smack him for you.


Spending more money than every other president combined in his first year in office is not failing?


Giving people false hope is not failing?


Bailing out companies that should have failed is not failing?


Creating the CFC incentive to make America greener then taking 2 full size jets to Europe to see the Olympic committee? Michele had a private 787 and then Barack went in Air force 1 a day later....really?


Again I pose the question, what has gone right?


I thought he was going to charge in there and get the troops out...that has gone well.


I thought he was going to give all of these people jobs....still losing jobs.


Come on now, this thread was posted because it was in the news, Obama wants to be the topic, why is he on TV more than most talk show hosts? He wants to be talked about he is a celebrity.

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Seems to me like you guys want to worship all his wrongs, and thats about it. You want to Bitch about a couple of jet flights? Give me a list of all the shit that Bush did wrong, and get back to me.


So he's spending alot of money, this is his way of trying to fix the B.S. that Bush and all his "Good old boys" left us with, who do you really need to be fixating your hate on? The people elected this guy, the other guy lost, oh well get over it, if you dont like him vote him out in 4, thats the way things work.

If he looses in 4, you wont find me being a crybaby over it.

Grow up.

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Ok, now let's talk about all of the shit the Clinton administration left to Bush. Then let's talk about the mortgage crisis that managed to skip bush and slam Obama in the face that Clinton created.


Nothing to do with growing up, just stating the facts. You mentioned nothing good that Obama has done that has substantially impacted the U.S.


Get your head out of your ass and think about the people not the party. At least bush had some experience with politics.


I will not be able to change people's opinions, I don't think Bush was a great president, but I had less to complain about with him than I do now.

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Drive around OSU campus, you'll find thousands that do.


god i have to wade through all those slack jawed chimps everyday on campus. I think people were so convinced that obama would change the world and since he hasnt and WILL NOT they are realizing he was the wrong choice. His approval ratings have plummeted in light of that and it should. obama's win/presidency is just a fucking stunt. Great, you did it, you are the first black man in office, you mumble all the right words but dont do them. So, should be impeached for lying to the American people and spending all our money that is now going to fuck me and my kids and their kids in keeping this economy in the shits.

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Ok, now let's talk about all of the shit the Clinton administration left to Bush. Then let's talk about the mortgage crisis that managed to skip bush and slam Obama in the face that Clinton created.


Nothing to do with growing up, just stating the facts. You mentioned nothing good that Obama has done that has substantially impacted the U.S.


Get your head out of your ass and think about the people not the party. At least bush had some experience with politics.


I will not be able to change people's opinions, I don't think Bush was a great president, but I had less to complain about with him than I do now.


Get my head out of my ass? Real grown up statement there son. Like I said, if you dont like him, vote him out. You dont really have a problem with him, its all the "people" who voted for him, You know "We the people". I'll just sit back and watch how much you all have to bitch about the next time he takes a shit.

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Why are people watching his every move hoping for him to mess up? Just remember one thing idiots... if he fails... America fails.


Back on topic.. he even said he didnt deserve the prize... So being smart he said he would use it as motivation to do something derserving of getting an award like that. I hope he does.

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Why are people watching his every move hoping for him to mess up? Just remember one thing idiots... if he fails... America fails.


Back on topic.. he even said he didnt deserve the prize... So being smart he said he would use it as motivation to do something derserving of getting an award like that. I hope he does.


If he fails, America is safer, richer, and an all around better place to be.

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And Hitler was Time Magazines man of the year in 1938... hmmmm food for thought!


Godwins Law in only 35 posts. Hitler had some good in him before he went Megolomaniac. He was recognized then for what he was, not what he would become.


Obama has done nothing to earn what he was awarded, only what he wants to do. Completely ass backwords.





I wonder if you can get a fake Nobel Peace Prize certificate on line like those fake Diploma's?

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