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OSU is done


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You are correct with this statement. If they played like they cared based on the fail that was above them it might have been pretty easy to be in the hunt.


Now I tend not to be controversial on this site so let me step out of that for a second.


Who fuckin cares? College football has been tainted by ESPN and the Media just like college basketball has been.


Combat sports > Stick and ball


Motor sports > than all

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College FB without a playoff = no care. I think everyone wants to know how teams like Cincy, BYU, Utah, Hawaii, these teams that come from weak conferences, will do against the big schools. They'll never get the chance to play a nat'l championship unless there's a playoff.
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College FB without a playoff = no care. I think everyone wants to know how teams like Cincy, BYU, Utah, Hawaii, these teams that come from weak conferences, will do against the big schools. They'll never get the chance to play a nat'l championship unless there's a playoff.


UMMM, okay... except Cincy is in the Big East, which is a BCS conference... the others are not in a BCS conference...


As far as "weak" conferences go... The Big 10 hasn't exactly been "stellar" lately.

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UMMM, okay... except Cincy is in the Big East, which is a BCS conference... the others are not in a BCS conference...


As far as "weak" conferences go... The Big 10 hasn't exactly been "stellar" lately.


I know the Big East is BCS but Miami and Va Tech are the only teams that have enjoyed much success on a national scale from the conference and they're not even still in the Big East. WV is a solid team but they're streaky, Louisville and Cincy both have relatively easy schedules compared to many of the other conferences (not necessarily vs. OSU, since Tressel loves to be the King of Ohio) and they've been the ones to fill the gap Miami and VaTech left. Still, people don't look at the teams like UConn, Pitt, USF as serious contenders as much as they are. Put these kinds of teams in the playoffs, and it'd be just as exciting basketball where you have teams perceived to be nobodies taking down the perceived powerhouses like USC, OSU, Texas, etc.

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And is it me, or did something just seem off this season? I just couldn't get excited about OSU football, like even if they made the journey back to the Title Game it would just crash and burn epically after the loss to USC. Maybe them loosing is a good thing... you know lower people expectations, take some focus/ pressure off the team. Penn State is decent; a few other Big Ten teams show some potential. Let OSU win some weak bowl game against an okay team. Get a solid back up QB on the bench to motivate/ fill in with Pryor and come back in next year with less baggage and an actual shot.
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Tripple cuz I'm a monday morning QB. And lets not forget, I know people bitch and moan about loosing but OSU has been a solid football program for several years now. I know they've lost "The Big Games" but hell, they were at least in big games. Would you rather be a team who can't win any game? Let them "cycle" through this season as most college programs do and in another year they'll be back in the thick of it!
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