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The Koala Rescue


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So cute... I want a koala! Poor thing

Wait... you want a nearly endangered wild animal that will only want to eat eucalyptus leaves. Good luck with that!

Having had to look up how to spell eucalyptus, I now also know that male kolas have a bifuricated penis (double). As well as female koalas have doubles too, including uterus. As do all marsupials.

Hence their nick name "Double-barreled little dag dudes"

And just when you thought learning anything new wouldn't happen.

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I'm in jess's boat, I totally want a penguin in the house, but it just throws practicality out the window.

I wouldn't tell people about him, I'd just have him walk up to people on the couch watch them freak out.

(and for the record, yes, he would wear a bow tie at all times)

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I'm in jess's boat, I totally want a penguin in the house, but it just throws practicality out the window.

I wouldn't tell people about him, I'd just have him walk up to people on the couch watch them freak out.

(and for the record, yes, he would wear a bow tie at all times)


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odd critters... one guy on campus had a very large iguana. He built a shelf for it over top of the front door. That's where the iguana liked to hang out. It would slap strangers with his tail when they came in. Didn't have to lock the door, had an iguana-on-guard-duty. No kidding, it was like 5 or 6 feet, not counting tail. A regular dragon.

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