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To be competitive over $1000 in tires per weekend plus a set of rains and intermediates on hand in case of rain.


Fuel , a tank a day in the car and 12mpg or less in towing the car to the track.


Entry fees, $300 and up for NASA events plus test days.


Other expendables like brake pads and rotors, oil and other fluids.



And don't forget the $1500 minimum investment in safety gear that you'll be wearing, even more for higher quality gear.


already have all the gear from lemons.


all the other stuff was in my orginal budget plans already.

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While I would love a Vette as a race car, it would be pretty expensive to run. I am choosing something that has plenty of cheap body panels and replacement parts available, as well as plenty of decently priced tires in the size range that would fit.


Or I have a kart that I haven't been able to use and was thinking of selling. You could always buy that from me :)

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We do the work ourselves as well and it is not cheap, stuff breaks and wears like you would not believe sometimes. I mean competitively speaking some of the 944 guys go through a set of tires in 1 weekend.


I mean plan on pads and tires after every serious race weekend at least. Plus compared to track days autocrossing hardly stresses the car, so plan on more parts breaking. And of course the part that people never like to hear, the more your on track the greater the chance of the car being hit by another car, or driver error. Had one of our 944 guys stuff it into a wall b/c another car ran him off at Mid Ohio, completely totaled the car and he has been racing for years and years.

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