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stress - ulcers?

Guest tbutera2112

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Guest tbutera2112
some good advice here. stay away from alcohol and caffeine. eat smaller meals. don't eat or drink anything after 7pm. limit carbonated beverages. while you're waiting for these changes to have an effect, go to sam's and buy a large supply of prilosec.


thanks kirk...would prilosec help even in my throat?

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Guest tbutera2112
Your the asshole who sent me a message stating "I know people wayyyyyyyyyyyy worse than you" or some stupid shit. Take shit off cr? Get real I certainly dont need to take anything off here. Do you honestly think I have ever been afraid to say something on this board, I dont speak in riddles. Get real. I merely stated if you wanted to continue this discussion to pm me and we could discuss it so were not acting like 12 year olds on the internet. Damned idiot huh, interesting. I'll remember that. You telling me to get a life is the most entertaining part of this thread. Mods I am not trying to thread shit but if this douche canoe keeps baiting me, then what the fuck?



you responded to my first post saying i dont know what stress is, hinting that you do...i simply left you a message saying that i never claimed to be the most stressed person ever, and that you arent either so you shouldnt pretend to be


my message i left

"You dont know stress yet. "


completely subjective dude....i wasnt trying to say anywhere in my post that i have more problems in my life than anyone else does....but compared to my daily life, the issues that have come up lately have had me stressed


hell...theres people in this world WAYYYYYY worse off than you ever will dream of being...you dont know stress either.


not sure how thats an asshole message?? but whatever floats your failboat


"you dont know what stress is yet" sounds like youre saying you do....but if you wanna go that route with me, i gave the same thing back to you


but again, this thread wasnt even about me being stressed at all, so im not sure why you felt the need to even open your mouth about it...oh yea...you wanted to seem wise and insightful....fail


and what do you mean you dont need to take stuff off of here? youre the one who said for me to not act cool with you in person anymore, and last time i checked, "in person" means off of CR....you really get the two mixed up that easily?


youre acknowleding that i called you a damned idiot, when i said youre a damned idiot if you took what i said in my first post to be a cry for sympathy....so youre essentially saying thats how you took it, or else the damned idiot comment wouldnt apply...and if thats your outlook, i stand by my comment


mods mods mods mods mods mods this kid is picking on me waaaaaaaah

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thanks kirk...would prilosec help even in my throat?



one of the most common signs of gastrointestinal reflux is a persistent cough, or a feeling of an 'itch' in your throat, inability to clear your throat. the prilosec should help (it will take at least 3-4 weeks of regular usage, so be patient). reflux can usually be managed with lifestyle changes (that have been mentioned), but you will need prilosec for a few months until those changes can take effect.

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Guest tbutera2112
one of the most common signs of gastrointestinal reflux is a persistent cough, or a feeling of an 'itch' in your throat, inability to clear your throat. the prilosec should help (it will take at least 3-4 weeks of regular usage, so be patient). reflux can usually be managed with lifestyle changes (that have been mentioned), but you will need prilosec for a few months until those changes can take effect.


thanks kirk


any advice to make the pain stop? its getting to the point where its almost unbearable...and now my ears are begininng to hurt badly also

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Guest tbutera2112
is there any point i should consider going to the ER? im in so much pain its unbearable...my ears are killing, my head is killing, and my throat hurts to breathe, swallow, talk, everything....
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hmm...thats interesting...so i guess perhaps it was the sinus infection that has been making it worse... i dont think mine is bleeding or i would taste it since its in my throat....i got a light and camera back there and took a pic so i could see it and its blood red, but i dont believe its bleeding at all...probably different because mines in my throat and not my stomach... do you know of anything OTC to take to fight the bacteria? i need to find a throat/ear/nose doctor like brian suggested


I just had to take Nexium for a while for my stomach. They never gave me any kind of antibotic that I know of. I was doped up on Dilaudid and Moraphine for a week so its hard to say what they gave me :).

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is there any point i should consider going to the ER? im in so much pain its unbearable...my ears are killing, my head is killing, and my throat hurts to breathe, swallow, talk, everything....



If your poop turns black :). Sounds nasty but that was the dead giveaway that I was f*&^%d up. If you go to the ER they will make you wait all night and prob just give you Prilosec or Nexium, (something to cut down on the acid) and some Tylenol 3's. When I went they told me that this is a really common thing in the ER. The only reason I was seen so fast is because I am a diabetic and my heart rate and blood pressure were all jacked up because of my internal bleeding. I was in awful pain too, so I know how your feeling and it sucks bad. It may be a little different since its your throat though.

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Change the lifestyle and don't stay on the Prilosec or any of the other drugs that throttle back acid production or neutralize stomach acid too long. Long tern use leads to malabsorbtion of several essential vitamins leading to depression down he road. Generally I see that happen when people are on those drugs for over 1 year. Just keep that in mind and follow the other advice here.


Also one of the frequent things I see is not an over production of acid, but an under production. Under producion of acids and enzymes will force the food to stay in the stomach too long therefore stimulating the lower esophageal sphincter. When the lower esophgeal shhincter is stimulated it will relax and the the small amount of acid that is present will travel up the esophagus irritating the tissues. BAM....heart burn.


One of the things I do is use a product called Betain Hydrochloride. That product contains hydrochloric acid, If you have an ulcer the symptoms will worsen with in a few minutes. If it does, Okra Pesin from Standard Process will heal that within a few weeks. If the symptoms do not worsen within a few minutes you are lacking stomach acids, and the Betain HCL will help the situation within a few days.

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Guest tbutera2112
i dont ever really have heartburn problems...occasionally if i eat a lot of spicy food several days in a row..or drink too much coffee...but its not a daily occurance or anything
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Tyler could be strept or the flu.. thats how mine usually starts off. Go to the doctor in the morning. Getting short of breath or a high fever is usually when they want you to go to the e.r.


BTW, I use sucrets. When it works I know I have a little issue like nasal drainage, cold etc. When it doesnt I either have strept, tonsilitus or my acid reflux has gone crazy... Thats why I suggest seeing a doctor first thing tomorrow.

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Guest tbutera2112
ok thanks brian, im calling them and going to try and get in this afternoon....when i woke up and got in the shower i had to get out because i couldnt hardly breathe...felt like i was suffocating, but now that im up and about, im cleared up a little bit...still hurts to eat and swallow, but i had a large cup of coffee which so far is the only thing that helps...and ive been garling salt water and my ulcer medication
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Guest tbutera2112
went to the doc and he says the ulcers are viral and caused by the sinus drainage...gave me a z pack and said the ulcers should go away when the sinus infection does
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