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WTB: Mustang Coils


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Guest tbutera2112

you need a coil-on-plug, and they werent on 98s, just 99-04...96-98 had coil packs


try looking on ebay jeff, thats were most people ive seen have picked up new ones...theyre cheap there


hard to find COPs just laying around, since the OEM ones are the only good ones made aside from weaponx, so most people dont upgrade them, even after building motors


edit: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ignition-Coil-On-Plug-Ford-Mustang-4-6L-GT-V8-99-04-COP_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem4cebc73291QQitemZ330373214865QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories


thats about 1/3 what they would cost new from a dealership...if you cant find one on here


also, you might try a junkyard, the other 4.6 cars should have them...vics, etc

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Ah. Thank for the info Tyler. I'm somewhat impatient when it comes to ordering things online. I had read somewhere that the 98-04 were the same, but thanks for educating me. I'm not looking for anything fancy, just enough to get me down the road without a misfire. When i went to Jegs this evening at 8:20 PM they were already closed. If they had been open I would have bought 2 of their $23$ ones. *shrugs*
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