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Spineless judges....

Science Abuse

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... preventing improvements in justice:



I ran into this when I fought a vascar ticket. They're so afraid of setting a precident that they rule in the face of the evidence just to support the status quo. Nevemind that the precident NEEDS to be set if the devices used to CHARGE PEOPLE WITH CRIMES are of questionable accuracy.

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eh, GPS arent that accurate at giving true ground speed, especially with some basic direction-finder. If he was on a steep decline he could be going 62 and it would still say 45 on the gps.

They both have their technology, how do you prove which piece of electronics inaccurately read the boy's speed? You really can't

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eh, GPS arent that accurate at giving true ground speed, especially with some basic direction-finder. If he was on a steep decline he could be going 62 and it would still say 45 on the gps.

They both have their technology, how do you prove which piece of electronics inaccurately read the boy's speed? You really can't


True, but you *could* imply that the officer made up the 62mph just to give the uppity kid a ticket. Better have a good lawer for that one.


Good point on the incline. Though the stretch of road in question is flat, the would account for a speed variance elsewhere.

Edited by Science Abuse
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This is all about maintaining the government ability to generate funds from speeding tickets. Why else would the city spend 15k on one expert to fight a $190 ticket?


Though, I can see what the court was saying as far as not disagreeing with the actual gps unit and coming up with a reason as to why they believe he was still speeding, however, I gotta agree with you on this one. I feel what you say here is the truth regardless of whether the perp was speeding or not.

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