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Main Entry: los·er

Pronunciation: \ˈlü-zər\

Function: noun


Anyone that sits outside of a video game store waiting for midnight to strike so they can buy a new game, blocking the entrance to Chipotle keeping me from attaining my chicken burrito bowl in a timely fashion.


Go get laid.




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That's crazy. I've just never thought it was so important or I had to have it so bad that I've waited in line like that for a video game. Why, when I can go later and pick it up in 5min? To each their own, I guess. It's my way of giving everyone else a headstart before whippin their asses. ;)
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That's crazy. I've just never thought it was so important or I had to have it so bad that I've waited in line like that for a video game. Why, when I can go later and pick it up in 5min? To each their own, I guess. It's my way of giving everyone else a headstart before whippin their asses. ;)


It's called dedication.

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