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MW2 thoughts


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So what does everyone think of the game?


I love how the perks are set up. There are so many challenges it's nuts and hard to keep up with. The graphics are unreal.


Now, on to online play (deathmatch). I think some of the maps are WAY too big. Maybe it's because I don't know the maps well enough yet. But damn.. most of the people I'm playing against is just camping and sitting there. That drives me up the wall. There are so many places to just hide and sit on just about every map. Maybe it's because I'm doing hardcore and people aren't running around as much. I did notice in regular team death match peeps were running around a lot more, but I don't like to empty and entire clip into someone before they die.

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I love it! But its not perfect.


Its going to take forever to finish everything. On cod4 i was 10th prestige level 55 and finished almost all the challenges. I would like to do the same for this one, but its going to take forever. Especially since there are challenge for each attachment and they have upped the amount of kills you need to finish a challenge. That and the fact that the maps are bigger is awesome though I think because I don't think the game will ever get stale that way.


I have noticed that people like to camp, but I dont think its different than cod4, there are just more places to do that now. Once you learn all the spots you'll be able to take them out.


I think the overall look and feel of the game is a little more arcade like than cod4, but its not bad. I just hate the way the invite system works. I also need to get used to the new way of using claymores.


The game is fucking badass and I think it will only get better.

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I played a little bit of the airport level on my bro's PS3 (Wow, Fucked up!) Overall, I didn't care for it. Could be partially that the PS3 controller sucks, but I was mostly irritated by the over the top amount of shooting going on and the damned-near-invincible soldiers with riot shields. Riot shield > grenade launcher? REALLY? Comon!


I won't be picking this game up.

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Yeah, the riot shields are hideously overpowered. They put in easy ways to defeat them, like the semtex but still...


Also the spawn deaths are absolutely ridiculous. Between the multiple harriers/ helos allowed at the same time, campers, and a predator missile I dies 11 times IN A ROW last night just from spawn deaths. Nobody else seems to have it this bad though. The game is not finished and needs work badly. The invite system is 100% fail too. I'm seriously disappointed IW put this quality of game out when they've had so long to test. Shame on them.

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I feel dumb for buying this game now based on what is posted here. I will try it before I pass final judgment but not looking good so far.


I think you'll like it. Its really an awesome game, but its been hyped up so much that people are going to be overly critical of it. I bet everyone in here will agree with me, except for JaSSon maybe. Single player is great, multiplayer is even better.

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Watched my Brother in law play last night, looks like a cool game, he's seems to be pretty good online, he killed more than he was killed each match. I never play these games because I simply just suck, I miss the days of Nintendo (A and B), the controllers are too complicated for me now. I can see how it is addicting if you are decent at it. Fortunately, it's just frustrating for me since I suck and I don't want to put in any time.
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Watched my Brother in law play last night, looks like a cool game, he's seems to be pretty good online, he killed more than he was killed each match. I never play these games because I simply just suck, I miss the days of Nintendo (A and B), the controllers are too complicated for me now. I can see how it is addicting if you are decent at it. Fortunately, it's just frustrating for me since I suck and I don't want to put in any time.


get it for you mac... oh wait nevermind

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I think you'll like it. Its really an awesome game, but its been hyped up so much that people are going to be overly critical of it. I bet everyone in here will agree with me, except for JaSSon maybe. Single player is great, multiplayer is even better.


Get Jovantee Blair the FUCK out of your avatar...shit haunts my dreams hahahahahaha.


I'm loving the game so far. I feel like I'm pretty aweful at multiplayer, but I still always break even or have a positive K/D ratio. I really don't want the single player to be over though, I'm absolutely loving the campaign.

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i just picked it up this morning on the way to work. FML i work all day an cant play it till tonight ahhh damdam dam



oh an to who ever hasent bought the game yet if u trade in cod4 an (liek 20 other certain games) u can get 40 bucks offf mw2. did it this morning. traded in cod4 an halo3 an got 40 bucks off wooo


edit trading in the games was at gamestop

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It's true, the MP is really what it's all about. Spec ops is good too, just haven't been able to get online with it yet... Maybe if they ever get the invite system completely fixed...


Didn't IW even try to use the invites in testing? Some of us have friends!

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Get Jovantee Blair the FUCK out of your avatar...shit haunts my dreams hahahahahaha.




+1 shit's creepy






Spec ops is cool, i still don't think it'll replace what Nazi Zombies was on WAW though. When i'm bored, I'll probably still go back to WAW and play zombies if people still get on it.


Overall the online game play is good, but the campers are pissing me off. Like said eariler, as soon as people get used to all the maps, camping will decrease because the campers won't be able to survive in their spots

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Spec ops is cool, i still don't think it'll replace what Nazi Zombies was on WAW though. When i'm bored, I'll probably still go back to WAW and play zombies if people still get on it.


Overall the online game play is good, but the campers are pissing me off. Like said eariler, as soon as people get used to all the maps, camping will decrease because the campers won't be able to survive in their spots


Could not agree more with everything said here. I miss zombies too:( They didn't camp, they didn't hack, and they didn't even shoot back.


Yeah, what the hell were we thinking buying PS3's? I just had too much money sitting around, and it was more expensive than an xbox so it made sense!

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MW2 on teh pc is a mess. The single player game crashed several times on me (not even to the 2nd mission even) - so many times I gave completely up on it. And this is on a brand new fresh win 7 install. The multiplayer game runs great and have nad no bugs or hiccups in it. However, the matchmaking system is truly junk. And the whole design decision around no static servers is stupid stupid stupid. I cant count the number of times a host has dumped out of a mission and you have to sit there twiddling your thumbs hoping the iw service finds another suitable host and the whole thing doesnt just dump oyu back to the main screen when it cant. The guns are VERY questionable choices. On and on.


Having said all that, i'm playing it alot.

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ooooooh, ps3.. that explains everything. But hey, it's free right? :rolleyes:


I havent played it on my brothers xbox yet, so i dont know how the invite system works there, but on other games on ps3 you invite people through the game. With MW2 you send them messages to their PS3 inbox, which they then have to accept. Takes a lot longer than the old way because you have to open the XMB, go to your inbox, hit accept, instead of just getting a popup message in the game.


Fuck yea its free...you do realize that were playing the same game, on the same internet and youre paying for yours and im not right? Yeah, I'm the sucker. Shit I could even smooch wireless off my neighbors network if I wanted and play completely free.

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