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Does bad service give customers the right to withhold a mandatory tip?


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15% is for doing the "normal" routine of serving me, and I adjust up or down from there depending on level of service. IE keeping my glass filled, checking to make sure everything is OK (but don't freaking bother me every 30 seconds) etc etc.


If you are an awesome waiter/waitress and are busy as hell, I will tip greatly. If you absolutely suck and fail to refill my glass, or ever check on me, your tip gets docked accordingly. We had a waitress at Texas Road House on Valentines day that got a $20 tip on a $30 bill. She was the best damn waitress I'd ever had, and given the time and how busy she was, she deserved it. I also had a waiter at another TRH who never came back with a single refill (though we asked him TWICE), didn't bring us more rolls, and generally forgot we were there. He received no tip.


My tip to you is for serving me, not something that's mandatory because you have the inconvenience of having a job to do.

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I hate this fucking "tip is expected" society we have.


My tip starts at 0% when I sit down and goes up from there.


Like the bitch at Winking Lizard one night where we had waited 30 minutes already for our food and I politely asked if it would be out soon and she responded "Do you see all those people waiting, what do you think?". The earned her 0 tip from all 4 people at the table.


I also find it disgusting that our society is at the point where a monetary bonus (tip) is EXPECTED for below average service.

"well if she wasn't that good, just tip 10%"

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I hate this fucking "tip is expected" society we have.


My tip starts at 0% when I sit down and goes up from there.


Like the bitch at Winking Lizard one night where we had waited 30 minutes already for our food and I politely asked if it would be out soon and she responded "Do you see all those people waiting, what do you think?". The earned her 0 tip from all 4 people at the table.

Um, the hell with no tip, I would have told her to get her fucking manager out and caused as big a scene as I could on the way out the door. Bad service is one thing, outright rudeness is another. If you can't at least manage to be polite, you don't deserve to keep your job.

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Um, the hell with no tip, I would have told her to get her fucking manager out and caused as big a scene as I could on the way out the door. Bad service is one thing, outright rudeness is another. If you can't at least manage to be polite, you don't deserve to keep your job.


They were too busy for me to wait for a manager. I didn't feel like dealing with it.

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I hate this fucking "tip is expected" society we have.


My tip starts at 0% when I sit down and goes up from there.


Like the bitch at Winking Lizard one night where we had waited 30 minutes already for our food and I politely asked if it would be out soon and she responded "Do you see all those people waiting, what do you think?". The earned her 0 tip from all 4 people at the table.


I also find it disgusting that our society is at the point where a monetary bonus (tip) is EXPECTED for below average service.

"well if she wasn't that good, just tip 10%"


and this

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Wait, she gave you that kind of lip, and you STAYED? Fuck that. Walk out. If the food isn't on the table, it doesn't get paid for. Let the restaurant take the hit for having rude servers.


Meh, I would have, but it was late and the girls were starving. When the gf's say they are waiting for the food, you gotta wait for the food. I have walked out before.

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