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I have been boxing for almost 20 years and P90 is awesome for it. Bring me 2 blank DVD's and I will burn it for you with the Ab ripper X for a 6 of Sam Adams.





The whole P90X is ~ 11 DVDs..... how it the quality when you shrink it down to 2?



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The whole P90X is ~ 11 DVDs..... how it the quality when you shrink it down to 2?




Quality is fine. They are not in HD with 7.1 nor are they fuzzy...grainy...or crap quality. I play them fine on my dvd player. When you put in the disk it looks like files on a pc with titles and will allow you to choose which one you want to do. I have burned a TON of these and no complaints thus far.

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PS - I have this. I will see about getting a set burning for you...




I have been boxing for almost 20 years and P90 is awesome for it. Bring me 2 blank DVD's and I will burn it for you with the Ab ripper X for a 6 of Sam Adams.



Awesome! So where do you guys live? I guess it will comes down to who's closest if the offers are still good. I'll bring some CD's for compensation.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you really acutally do the routine like every day, yeah i bet youd see amazing results. I only use it here and there, couple times a week. Finally getting a little definition, and overall feel good about it.


Also I'm now seeing the need to own more weights and a real place for pull ups and whatnot. Just to get the most outta it

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