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FS: Smoke Everywhere E-Cig

Radio Flyer1647545514

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I've only used it a total of 2 days.


I was working at Waterbeds and some guy came in to ask me about them. Apparently he had found one while at work one day and couldn't find the owner. He wasn't a smoker so he sold it to me.


I charged it up at work and refilled twice. I got sick not to long ago and quit for the most part and this thing is just sitting here. Looking to get back what I spent on it.


EDIT: I have sterilized this, but with every new refill pack you buy you get new outer covers.


And thanks for the comment Antwon.

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I'll get pics when I can.

You can buy refill cartridges at waterbeds and stuff for 14.99 for 5. Each cartridge is the equivalent of ~1 pack of cigarettes. You can also but liquid bottles online and from what I'm told $10 should be enough for a months worth of liquid for a pack a day smoker.


Google it for a general picture, if you need one from me just PM and I'll get it when I get the opportunity.

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