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Keepin' my boyz outta the dog house w/ a friendly reminder.......


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bed.gif It's Valentine's Day. If you got a sweetie.....You better remember to get her something smooches.gif

And don't forget the card.....I learned that the hard way many moon ago!! icon_fing.gif

love.gif Happy Valentine's Day everybody!! inlove.gif

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I suck sooooo bad at this ! I have no clue, I usualy blow it. I hate going out to eat beacuse I'm a chef and I'm in a rest. all day.

This is always my downfall. I'll try, but I'm sure I'lll fuck it up in a little later on !

Do they sell V-day cards for people who are pissed at each other, but have to buy a card ?? Something like, It's valentines day, I'm not happy with you, Here's a card , can I still get laid ?

It's hard to bee sweet when you don't want to.

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While I agree V-day is mostly a b.s. made up holiday... it never hurts to give the misses a little extra attention. I'm pretty sure there aren't too many females out there who don't like getting flowers, going out to dinner or having a meal made for them. :wink: Not saying you shouldn't do these things often regardless, but you guys don't want your ladies to feel left out when all their gal pals are doing the V-day thing. So, they might not say it...but secretly they want some extra attention today.

Oh, and for all the ladies on here...guys like V-day, too. We just don't care about flowers or dinner so much. :grin:

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While I agree V-day is mostly a b.s. made up holiday... it never hurts to give the misses a little extra attention. I'm pretty sure there aren't too many females out there who don't like getting flowers, going out to dinner or having a meal made for them. :wink: Not saying you shouldn't do these things often regardless, but you guys don't want your ladies to feel left out when all their gal pals are doing the V-day thing. So, they might not say it...but secretly they want some extra attention today.

Oh, and for all the ladies on here...guys like V-day, too. We just don't care about flowers or dinner so much. :grin:

Yep, I agree. I never let my girl feel left out.

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why do we need a specified day to be treated to dinner and flowers?
:wink: Not saying you shouldn't do these things often regardless, but you guys don't want your ladies to feel left out when all their gal pals are doing the V-day thing. So, they might not say it...but secretly they want some extra attention today.

Agreed. Doing these things on Valentines day doesn't mean you shouldn't do them year round. Just saying it doesn't hurt to do a little bit extra on V-day!

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Do they sell V-day cards for people who are pissed at each other, but have to buy a card ?? Something like, It's valentines day, I'm not happy with you, Here's a card , can I still get laid ?

It's hard to bee sweet when you don't want to.

maybe you are on to something!!! is you need a business agent; holla at Jagr and myself!!

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why do we need a specified day to be treated to dinner and flowers?


I think like that on many things. I hate following the crowd and any tradition I find lame in the sense that I can do it any day within the year. I enjoy surprising my wife on some idle Tuesday when it's not even close to any holiday. It ruins the fun and surprise when it's expected. We normally just say I love you and spend the day together. We don't do the flowers, cards, etc.

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If it's not Federal, it's not official. ;)

I actually started hating this day in elementary school.

When you had to decorate a shoe box. Thank god for tin foil.

And buying/makeing cards for your classmates. What a horrible concept.

I guess they start indoctrinating you early into believing this bullshit.

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I'm glad my wife and I both agree it's a lame cliche' commercial holiday. We do things for eachother year round. It's true you don't need a special hallmark day to spark up the relationship.

+1 Screw the Hallmark Holidays!

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