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if youve got all the stuff then add me up srturbo04 an ill race you tonight.... u gonan get walked son


I might need to call you when I get off and home so you can walk me threw everything I got most of the stuff connected but I went to go test the online thing and I didnt see were I was online or anything of that matter I mean IDK:confused:

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Paul what class do you guys normally run? Or do you have cars for each class and just switch it up? I normally only drift online though, but I'd be down for some races.


OMG.....I might not be able to run with u guys just yet lol DRIFT have not even be introduced to that.

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well if your connected to the internet then press the xbox symbol in the middle an it shold load up your friends list


OK Ill try once I get home......Im talking like 11:30 will you be done for that time??

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OMG.....I might not be able to run with u guys just yet lol DRIFT have not even be introduced to that.


If you want to practice drifting at any time, just hit the Left arrow on the d-pad and it changes your times and whatnot @ the top of your screen to drift points etc. Reason i drift is cause you get those fags online that get salty when you pass them, then just fucking smash into you on the next corner and entirely ruins the race. So many people make the game un-fun.

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If you want to practice drifting at any time, just hit the Left arrow on the d-pad and it changes your times and whatnot @ the top of your screen to drift points etc. Reason i drift is cause you get those fags online that get salty when you pass them, then just fucking smash into you on the next corner and entirely ruins the race. So many people make the game un-fun.


Sweet Ill have to try this out, will u be online tonight or what?

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Yeah im always on my box at night. Either playin MW2, Borderlands, FM3, or Rockband 2. Just add me, my GT's Fubar231


OK will do. I tried getting my CR SCREEN name but I couldnt, but close....its CAMM09 I think.

Edited by CAM09
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OMG.....I might not be able to run with u guys just yet lol DRIFT have not even be introduced to that.
dont waste your time with the faggot drift shit. just RACE



i cant call but what issues are you having?

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dont waste your time with the faggot drift shit. just RACE



i cant call but what issues are you having?


UM......Im not really sure how to race online, just shoot me a text if you get on tonight.

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its easy. go to races.. an itll give you the choice to go league.. somethign else an then multiplayer..click there an you can eathier join a game or set upa private match with friends... but just add my gamer tag online an ill send you an invite srturbo04
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