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So whos ready to full fill their new years resolution this year?


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The new year is coming around, most people at this time decide to go for a new years resolution. The biggest resolution is to lose weight and get back into shape or for woman to look like they did in highschool/college.


If this is you, then you have already done 50% of the work. Getting yourself into the mindset that this is what you want/need to do is the first step. The next step is getting into a gym or taking the locks off the basement door, fumbling through the spider webs and finally removing the cob webs and dusting your equipment off.


You get started into a routine, your feeling better about yourself. You are starting to accomplish your goal. Soon 3 weeks go by, 4 weeks and now you are at the 7th week. ( i am aware i skipped the 5th and 6th week). At this point your body will start to level off, most people get discouraged and quit.



This year, i want it to be different. For those of you who decide to get into fitness this holiday and get back to the grind.





If its coaching, diet advice, training advice, work out logs, diet logs or interactive training. I can do it and i can help!


So PM ME and we can work something out.

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