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Cash for caulking


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Well, it isn't like they are cutting those things -- only adding to them -- so I will just be paying for broke ass people and people with money now.


So, I can pay for some raggedy ass bitch's free cell phone and Trowa's windows.


Go cry more. Taxes are the only way to keep our country running. I can list off a bunch of city, state, and federal services that are funded by taxes. Until you go do some volunteer work in one of these places you have no room to complain.

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Go cry more. Taxes are the only way to keep our country running. I can list off a bunch of city, state, and federal services that are funded by taxes. Until you go do some volunteer work in one of these places you have no room to complain.


That makes absolutely no fucking sense.


Why do I need to volunteer somewhere to complain? Better yet, why would I volunteer somewhere I help fund? It is the fucking people who are using the service that should be volunteering. If I ate at the soup kitchen -- I would take a day out of my homeless life to help serve at the food kitchen. Do you know how many people do that? Probably not that many.


Yes, I agree taxes keep our country running. But we do not need to go into a fucking unrealistic budget deficit just so you can get a fucking deal on windows -- a deficit I will have to help pay for later. If you are so into volunteering give your window rebate to the homeless, douchebag.


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If you are so into volunteering give your window rebate to the homeless, douchebag.


I have let a few homeless people that houses were destroyed by hurricane katrina live with me before I was married. I didn't charge them and even cooked food for them. They stayed for a few months then went home to rebuild. Biloxi and Gulfport Mississippi represent.


So what have you done for the homeless since you feel like calling me a douchebag?

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Pay taxes so they can have free shit.




Like no one has ever gave anything to you. You act like the amount of tax you spend is breaking your bankroll. Seriously shut up and get out of my thread if you can't provide positive input on the subject in question.

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Ever been frustrated by what seems like the simple job of caulking? We've all seen those How-To articles that show caulk being applied like there is nothing to it, but we all know that getting a smooth, consistent finished caulk job that is not amateurish looking can be difficult. Until know.


I'm going to show you my personal favorite technique for getting professional caulk results time after time.


More after the break.

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Like no one has ever gave anything to you. You act like the amount of tax you spend is breaking your bankroll. Seriously shut up and get out of my thread if you can't provide positive input on the subject in question.


Fine, I will leave.

Under one circumstance.

Caulk your windows with my shredded money.



You can have it all.

Only so you can have awesome energy savings.


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Fine, I will leave.

Under one circumstance.

Caulk your windows with my shredded money.



You can have it all.

Only so you can have awesome energy savings.



You are missing the point. Caulking my windows will not do anything to reduce my energy consumption. My windows are older then your age and mine combined. I might as well have cardboard as windows.

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Now that I think of it I do need someone to come and smear their caulk all over my bathtub. I tried but the hole on my caulk is too big. Everytime I squeeze it I get that white stuff all over the place.


Try using a smaller nail next time or just don't cut off so much of the tip. Remember use small snips when dealing with the tip. It is very sensitive!!

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Try using a smaller nail next time or just don't cut off so much of the tip. Remember use small snips when dealing with the tip. It is very sensitive!!


If its too small it doesnt properly fill the cracks and crevices. I dont know about you but if the caulk doesnt fill it 100% its just not worth it. Lately I've been practicing a lot and just wiping it off after I"m done... Im getting better, but I would still like for someone to come over and show me how to propely apply caulk in a way that my wife will approve of.

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If its too small it doesnt properly fill the cracks and crevices. I dont know about you but if the caulk doesnt fill it 100% its just not worth it. Lately I've been practicing a lot and just wiping it off after I"m done... Im getting better, but I would still like for someone to come over and show me how to propely apply caulk in a way that my wife will approve of.


You lack the proper tools to smooth out the caulk into all the cracks. Using your finger just isn't good enough, at least not for me.


Maybe I can come over and show you in person. :eek:

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You lack the proper tools to smooth out the caulk into all the cracks. Using your finger just isn't good enough, at least not for me.


Maybe I can come over and show you in person. :eek:


I would appreciate that. I tried using my fingers but it was pretty messy. Having a tube of caulk this big does not make it easy to handle. Having somone else to help me hold it up and aim while I squeeze would be great. The other day I squeezed it too hard and got it all over the dog. I think if you help my wife will be very happy with the final results. Hell... if you do a good job we can do it in the kitchen too.

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I would appreciate that. I tried using my fingers but it was pretty messy. Having a tube of caulk this big does not make it easy to handle. Having somone else to help me hold it up and aim while I squeeze would be great. The other day I squeezed it too hard and got it all over the dog. I think if you help my wife will be very happy with the final results. Hell... if you do a good job we can do it in the kitchen too.


Hey I am one of those people that starts in one room and has to take it to another. :cool:


I will bring over my toy... I MEAN TOOLS yeah...

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How is this much different then the energy star rebates currently out there? Does it just increase to limit per household, or does it increase the percentage I can get back?


EDIT - Nevermind it looks like both the percentage and limit per household are increased, as well as the price of installation being included.

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it looks like both the percentage and limit per household are increased, as well as the price of installation being included.


Yes so far this is what I got out of it. It really makes me want to do it asap. I was quoted a few years ago $5000 for 17 triple pane windows double hung from regency installed. If I go to lowes and buy their double pane they are around $250 each. I might as well just get someone to install them.


That and I am really afraid to do them myself. The current ones are cemented into my house so I would have to use a crowbar to remove them. I think if I do that I risk removing the stucco from the outside of my house. :( Only other thing I could think of would be to use an electric saw to remove them. Another power tool I don't own.


Regency said 2 days they would be done. I just couldn't afford another $5000 loan at the time. Now half of that is more affordable! :D Thanks Obama even though I didn't vote for you I still like you.

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