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Nvidia comparison


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Hey peeps i need to buy a new video card for my system. I have checked out Orions eVGA OC 260 and thought that was a pretty kick ass card. So i am checking out the OC 275 and the O 260 is there anyone has any constructive criticism or can recommend a better card for the price. I am looking to pay $100-$200.


I am going to use this to build a flight sim for FSX.

Current system.

Asus P5K

4GB OCZ ddr 1066

Intel Quad Core 6600

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In that price range I'd honestly grab an ATI 4870 or 4890, you wont' be sorry.


EDIT: Check this out, fantastic deal:




Or Even Better:



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I have checked out the specs. It seems the XFX 4890 1gb at newegg is the best bang for the buck at $179.99 anyone have any better suggestions ? Or should i wait till the DX 11 cards come down in price?


Also thinking about the XFX 5770 check out these two cards




Biggest pro and cons.

4890 = has more memory bandwith and higher bit (256) no DX11 support

5770 = has better shading operations and DX11 support. but lower bit rate 128.


Decisions decisions.!! UGG

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Hey peeps i need to buy a new video card for my system. I have checked out Orions eVGA OC 260 and thought that was a pretty kick ass card. So i am checking out the OC 275 and the O 260 is there anyone has any constructive criticism or can recommend a better card for the price. I am looking to pay $100-$200.


I am going to use this to build a flight sim for FSX.

Current system.

Asus P5K

4GB OCZ ddr 1066

Intel Quad Core 6600


I would go with the overclocked evag gtx 285 myself. Spend a little more money. You shouldn't have to ever buy a new video card until you upgrade your motherboard.

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