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Computer Guys - 32Bit vs 64Bit


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Ok, but seriously, what is the difference between 32 and 64 bit os's? I mean, what "bits" are we talking about? I remember that the nintendo was 8-bit, and the SNES was 16-bit, and the the N-64 was 64 bit....


...so, wtf?


Partially explained on the previous page...

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LOL, ND what?







And to get back on track, Just install the 64Bit OS. Your hardware is native 64 bit, but it will still run 32 bit applications just fine. I've been running Win7 64 bit for months.

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The bare essentials? If she is wanting to run 6 gigs of ram, she can NOT run it with windows 7 32 bit OS. As other people have said, to utilize the full scope of her ram/system in general she needs a 64 bit system because the cap on 32 bit systems is 3.5ish gigs (it depends on what you have set up as far as onboard video usage and what not but that's the cap). It's a silly memory hole that just swallows everything in the 32 bit systems above the 3 gig mark for things like video as I said and other system usage items.


I'm wondering when the day microsoft completely phases out 32 bit operating systems or systems that are bound by that archaic structure for something more favorable and with ease of expandability.


Plus its cool to say x64.

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LOL, ND what?







And to get back on track, Just install the 64Bit OS. Your hardware is native 64 bit, but it will still run 32 bit applications just fine. I've been running Win7 64 bit for months.


Some honor their NDA's. ;)


And Intel often buys from ebay to trace leaks.

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