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Major Military Fail


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Militants in Iraq have used $26 off-the-shelf software to intercept unsecured live video feeds from U.S. Predator drones.


Learn internet security 101 Pentagon before they figure out how to take control of the drones. Who uses unsecured wireless transmissions anymore? Oh that's right I turn on my laptop and I see a handful of unsecured networks around my house.



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There's always more to the story.


Maybe we fed them a bogus video feed on purpose? Yeah, that's it.


Highly doubt it. It is super easy to hack a satellite feed from direct tv. All you need is a dish, the right type of decoder box, a clear view of the sky, and a few software changes.


And this is unscrambling encrypted video feeds for the record...

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My dad still leaves his wireless unsecured at home' date=' I've tried to explain multiple times why this is a bad idea. Maybe this will scare him into changing it.[/quote']



Tell him some sicko could download kiddie porn over his end of the network and it would all point back to him. That ought to convince him.

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