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Tour de Cure


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Dear CR members,


I ride in many charity events every year, always 100+ miles at the events, this is the only one I will ever email you asking for a donation, because I want to save my friend.


I have decided to join thousands of fellow riders from across the country in this year's Tour de Cure to raise money to help stop diabetes and further the mission of the American Diabetes Association: to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all those affected by diabetes.


I am asking for your help. By making a donation on my behalf, you will be helping the American Diabetes Association change the future of diabetes by providing community-based education programs, protect the rights of people with diabetes and fund critical research for a cure.


My best friend Bob (yes his real name is Robert, and a few of you know him) suffers from this disease and the many late night hospital visits and near death experiences it has brought him in the emergency room. I want to help try to raise enough money to save my friend who is given a life expectancy in his mid 30’s …


As you may know, diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy needed for daily life. Nearly 24 million Americans are living with diabetes rapidly becoming a bigger problem than cancer, with no chance of treatment or cure. If current trends continue, one out of three children will face a future with diabetes. This is a startling statistic and your donation will help to change this.


I know my participation in this year's Tour de Cure can and will make a difference. Please help me reach my goal of $1,000 by supporting me with a donation. I'm already at $680.00 thanks to devoted supporters for a cure. You can follow the link below to my personal Web page to make a secure, 100% tax deductible donation. (If you do not want to donate online, please make your check payable to the American Diabetes Association and mail your contribution to me at 510 S. Constitution Ave, Bremerton, Wa 98312. I will insure you are recognized if you wish and you will get a tax deductible receipt)




Any and all help is appreciated, even something as little as $5.00 make a big difference.


Together we will help stop diabetes.


Very Respectfully,


Taylor H. McGraw

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