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XBOX 360 or PS3?

Guest JCroz91

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Guest fist302

I sold my xbox 360 to buy a ps3 after i got the xbox back from repair. About a year later i sold my ps3 to get 360 back if that tells you anything.


I say xbox after owning both, xbox live is the shit and i love the xbox games. If you are a casual gamer and want a blue ray player a ps3 is nice but if you like to play online and want more game selection go with the xbox.

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Guest JCroz91

a guy today offered me this...


$160 for everything


refurb xbox 360 from gamestop

1 year warrenty (bought in nov 09)

2 wireless controllers (1 new)

cords and such


HDMI capable and has receipt.


what do you think?

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Here is my .02....


More of my friends have a 360 so that was a huge influence since those are the people I enjoy gaming with the most.


I have has PS1 and PS2 and switched to 360 after playing Forza 2 and being tired of waiting for GT5 to come out.


I am intending on getting a PS3 down the road after GT5 comes out since I still love the GT series.

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Guest JCroz91
id pay the extra and get it directly from gamestop, so you get a hard drive and their exchange warrenty.


thats prob what ill do... that other dude stopped emailing me randomly. prob decided he didnt want to sell

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seemed to me like he thought the gamestop bundle had only 1 controller. both gamestop and the other dude have 2 controllers


That is what I thought. I just looked at the picture and saw one, oh well.


Also, CR Modern Warfare 2 crew uses 360. I just joined up last night and climbed up to rank 7.

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Here is my input on this topic. I have a PS3 and i love it. But i am a movie lover. I have the netflix online and such. I have a 46" Panasonic Plasma and it looks great with the PS3.


Now if you are more of a Console Gamer go with the XBOX 360 because it does has good gaming support. The one thing that the PS3 Looses to the XBOX is the games. Price is alittle cheaper than the PS3. Cons the XBOX 360's do have more problems than the PS3's. When i worked at BBY They had probably 1 out 5 360's came back with some kind of error. Where I can only exchanging 2 PS3's in months.


Now the PS3 pretty much beats it in every catagory. Movies with Netflix, Blu Ray, HD windows media streaming. I have my computer setup with over a 1tb of HD movies and it is great when you can just scroll through a large menu and check out tons of movies.


So it really comes down to your budget and what you do more of. Both systems are nice and they are better than the others in certian areas.

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Can you download demos or game previews on ps3? (I honestly don't know). The online experience on xbox is awesome.. if you're slightly homo like me, you'll also enjoy dressing up a little avatar of yourself and talking to friends.


Not that I am "liking" the PS3 or anything, but it does have online store/area where you can download games and demo's. ect.

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