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UFC 108


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This card has been hit very hard by the injury bug. Most of the fighters on the main card the non-hardcore fan won't know. There are 2 fights I think will stand out.


Evans vs Silva

In a normal universe this would not be a main event. This is going to hinge on if Evans can keep it off the ground and away from Silva's BJJ. Both are very good on their feet with the edge going to Evans.


I think this one will go the distance and to Evans if he can keep it standing and not get caught.


Hazelett vs Daley


Paul Daley is going to be a wrecking machine at 170. Dude has bricks for hands and will push the pace. Hazelett is a dead man walking if he tries to stand and bang with Daley.


Daley will either knock him out or get a TKO.

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I will have to disagree with you wich when it comes to ufc things I usally dont but I think Silva will beat evans. He is a great fighter but I dont see him being able to keep it standing as long as he needs to win the fight.


Don't get me wrong I really don't like Evans at all but I don't know if Silva will be able to get past the stand up and take him down.


If Silva gets him down it is over in an ugly way. Silva's ground and pound > that Evans not to mention the BJJ of Silva will be a problem. Nobody in the UFC has yet to expose Evans on the ground.


I think Evans will be just good enough on his feet to eek out a decision if he does not do anything stupid or get caught. If he pulls that junk grabbing BS with Silva he is going to be picking his mouthpiece up off the canvas and claiming he can count to potato because Silva will fuck him up.

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man, I wish evans could fight rampage


agreed. those 2 hated each other, more so than any other coaches. rampage would have had his block knocked off though. I wish we could have seen it. I thought it was just a publicity stunt at first with him quitting to make the Mister T movie...guess not.

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man, I wish evans could fight rampage


This fight will happen later this year. Rampage's tune will change even more when the general public finds out how bad his acting is.


There is a clip floating around of him from some action movie right now. Let me tell you it is so bad it would have to be tagged NWS before posted :(



Now Rampage gets his shit together and trains hard he will be up for a title fight in a year or less. He is devastating on his feet and would be a serious problem for the current champ.

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This fight will happen later this year. Rampage's tune will change even more when the general public finds out how bad his acting is.


There is a clip floating around of him from some action movie right now. Let me tell you it is so bad it would have to be tagged NWS before posted :(



Now Rampage gets his shit together and trains hard he will be up for a title fight in a year or less. He is devastating on his feet and would be a serious problem for the current champ.



I dont know if it would or not...he burned quite a few bridges leaving. So did Tito and he came back so I guess we shall see. I hope so though. Just to see him lose.

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I dont know if it would or not...he burned quite a few bridges leaving. So did Tito and he came back so I guess we shall see. I hope so though. Just to see him lose.




I hope Chuck comes back and shows Tito up again. Everyone ahs been down talking liddel so I cant wait to see what he is going to bring back to the table

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I dont know if it would or not...he burned quite a few bridges leaving. So did Tito and he came back so I guess we shall see. I hope so though. Just to see him lose.


Well he has already kind of realized he screwed up and has been talking with Dana. Tito thought he could get more money and well he is no Dan Henderson so that did not happen.

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