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$95 for a Redlight Camera Ticket


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What I just stated above. Right a letter using Black's law, google, and some common sense and see what happens. You guys rally together and bitch so much. If you spent half that time researching and thinking you could save yourself a ride on the 'long dick of the law' more then a few times.


I would have done that but mine was a while ago and I just paid the fine.

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After watching the video it was red but I dont care that I got the ticket. I'm more pissed about the fine. $95 for a cop to sit behind a desk look at a photo?!?! Shit give me that job please. They could at least hand deliver it to me.


Ill just find a new way to work so I don't have to deal with that BS anymore.


IIRC CPD only gets part of that money the rest goes to the company that installs and maintains the cameras.

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