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Anyone Air Brush? (Paint my helmet)

Radio Flyer1647545514

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Title really says it. Want my motorcycle helmet painted. Figured someone could use the work before I started asking all the old hockey goalies I played with where to go.


I have no idea what it would cost so it MIGHT not even be an option. I have a basic idea for what I want, other than that you can have arists free reign on it.

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Guest tbutera2112
ive looked into it a bit, and all i could find for basic paint was like $200+...hell, Jeff says he had his drag helmet painted and it was a crocodile theme and cost $800 for just the paint...i dont think its as simple as air brushing something else
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I used to pimp my cousin out, but he moved to New Jersey. I'm sure you could ship it to him in NJ and he would do it. I am not sure what his prices are anymore. He has done airbrushing on some pretty high end hot rods, as well as got into CCAD with an airbrush portfolio, which is pretty damn hard. If you are interested in shipping it, let me know and we can talk more
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I used to pimp my cousin out, but he moved to New Jersey. I'm sure you could ship it to him in NJ and he would do it. I am not sure what his prices are anymore. He has done airbrushing on some pretty high end hot rods, as well as got into CCAD with an airbrush portfolio, which is pretty damn hard. If you are interested in shipping it, let me know and we can talk more


Josh did do some pretty good shit.

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