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It's just a stereotype, Muslims aren't violent!


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Bush is an Idiot and didn't run a damn thing over there. There was never any push for religious domination there. You of all people should know that what ever Bush says you have to just decipher and take with a grain of salt.

Well no of course there wasn't a push for any kind of religious indoctrination there. No one would get away with something like that. That doesn't mean that sometimes someones religions beliefs aren't at least part of the reason for doing things like that. He may not have run day to day ops there but he and his certainly had a say in the decision to go in to begin with and we pretty much 'know' for a fact at this point that any real reason to attack Iraq at that point wasn't solid.

*adjusts tin foil hat*

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Well no of course there wasn't a push for any kind of religious indoctrination there. No one would get away with something like that. That doesn't mean that sometimes someones religions beliefs aren't at least part of the reason for doing things like that. He may not have run day to day ops there but he and his certainly had a say in the decision to go in to begin with and we pretty much 'know' for a fact at this point that any real reason to attack Iraq at that point wasn't solid.

*adjusts tin foil hat*

U have any xtra hats? I wear a 7 3/4

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I believe that this dude was a derranged,extreme hypocrite to the Nth degree... Nothing more, nothing less. It is unfortunate that his actions will cast a much darker shadow on the individuals who share his religious beliefs.

Having grown up with people of the Islamic faith, I would have to say that we cannot make a sweeping generalization of Islamic parishioners based on the actions and behaviors a sampling of Muslims. There is a myriad of good Muslims in THIS country, as well as throughout the world. There are also quite a bit of EXTREMISTS who have, and will continue to do some Ill-sh*t...

By that same token, there are LOADS of Christians out there who have done, and will continue to do some Ill-sh*t. Hell, I'm reminded of a story that I heard this morning about that man from Toledo who cuffed a woman in his house and read the Bible to her for 3days... Granted he didn't decapitate her, but he did allegedly try to suffocate her... http://www.smh.com.au/world/held-captive-in-handcuffs-and-a-nappy-20090218-8alc.html

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You know I would agree normally with this stance, but then you have to wonder when Bush supposedly says stuff like this,"I'm driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, 'George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan.' And I did, and then God would tell me, 'George go and end the tyranny in Iraq,' and I did."

Do you have a source for him sayin' that Jeremi......Or is that just you paraphrasing?

It amuses me to know how many times I've had to endure hearing someone's "latest" catholic priest joke they can't wait to tell me(that I've already heard 100 times :rolleyes:) & I politely laugh or even joke back, but by God, make any derogatory comment about Islam & it's followers....And everyone comes out of the woodwork to defend them from bein' "bullied" or "generalized" or "Stereotyped" :nono: Hell....There's even that new movie "Doubt" with Meryl Streep & Philip Seymour Hoffman on this very subject, which was getting Oscar mentions. Bet that wouldn't be the case if someone made a movie about Islamic beheading......There'd just be protestors :rolleyes:

I guess none of you know any Catholics then, or have any Catholic friends.....Or you're saying you stick up for them in this same way also whenever someone cracks a joke about their faith, or "bullies", "stereotypes" or "generalizes" them???

That's good to know....I hope one of you guys are around next time someone decides to tell me their "latest" joke ;)

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Do you have a source for him sayin' that Jeremi......Or is that just you paraphrasing?

It amuses me to know how many times I've had to endure hearing someone's "latest" catholic priest joke they can't wait to tell me(that I've already heard 100 times :rolleyes:) & I politely laugh or even joke back, but by God, make any derogatory comment about Islam & it's followers....And everyone comes out of the woodwork to defend them from bein' "bullied" or "generalized" or "Stereotyped" :nono: Hell....There's even that new movie "Doubt" with Meryl Streep & Philip Seymour Hoffman on this very subject, which was getting Oscar mentions. Bet that wouldn't be the case if someone made a movie about Islamic beheading......There'd just be protestors :rolleyes:

I guess none of you know any Catholics then, or have any Catholic friends.....Or you're saying you stick up for them in this same way also whenever someone cracks a joke about their faith, or "bullies", "stereotypes" or "generalizes" them???

That's good to know....I hope one of you guys are around next time someone decides to tell me their "latest" joke ;)

Here's a link that talks about the claim. Don't remember where I pulled the exact quote from.


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Do you have a source for him sayin' that Jeremi......Or is that just you paraphrasing?

It amuses me to know how many times I've had to endure hearing someone's "latest" catholic priest joke they can't wait to tell me(that I've already heard 100 times :rolleyes:) & I politely laugh or even joke back, but by God, make any derogatory comment about Islam & it's followers....And everyone comes out of the woodwork to defend them from bein' "bullied" or "generalized" or "Stereotyped" :nono: Hell....There's even that new movie "Doubt" with Meryl Streep & Philip Seymour Hoffman on this very subject, which was getting Oscar mentions. Bet that wouldn't be the case if someone made a movie about Islamic beheading......There'd just be protestors :rolleyes:

I guess none of you know any Catholics then, or have any Catholic friends.....Or you're saying you stick up for them in this same way also whenever someone cracks a joke about their faith, or "bullies", "stereotypes" or "generalizes" them???

That's good to know....I hope one of you guys are around next time someone decides to tell me their "latest" joke ;)

I'm a sexist and a racist.

Hey did you hear the one about the priest walking into the bar?

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  • 4 weeks later...
Good lord... Muslims really are just violent people apparently. Even the one's trying to convince us they're not are beheading their wives. Beheading. Not stabbing, shooting, poisoning, running over with the car, etc. Beheading.



:lol: I don't care who ya are... that's funny right there.

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