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Watching tv and WTF?

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Who the hell gave that douche canoe his own show :confused:




giving out keys to his basement.


i walk in the room and this mother fucker is giving out keys to his parents basement. when the hell did this happen?




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I have no idea who this is.


Some homosexual reality tv show on VH1 about a lame ass that lives with his parents.


Srsly TV is evil stop watching it. Just watch sports, dvd movies, and video games. Otherwise turn it off.

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In west Philadelphia born and raised on the playground is where i spent most of my days

chillin out maxin ralaxin all cool and all shootin sum b-ball outside of the school wen a couple of guys they wer up 2 no good started makin trouble in ma neiborhood

i got in 1 lil fight n my mom got scared n said ur movin with ur auntie n uncle in bel air

i whistled for as cab n wen it came near the lisence plate said fresh n it had dice in the miroor if anythin i could say that this cab was rare but i thot naww 4get yo home 2 bel airrrrr

i pulled up 2 the house bout 7 or 8

an i yelled 2 the cabby yo home smell ya lata

looked at my kingdom i was finally there ta sit on my throne as the prince of bel air

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