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Interesting view on "racism"


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That's racist. :D





I'll choose freedom.


Fine, but I still have no problem being stopped if i've done nothing wrong. Just don't cry when your home repeatedly gets broken into after routine patrols of your neighborhood stop. People want everything but want to sacrifice nothing.

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Fine, but I still have no problem being stopped if i've done nothing wrong. Just don't cry when your home repeatedly gets broken into after routine patrols of your neighborhood stop. People want everything but want to sacrifice nothing.


Debating with me is racist. ;) I can't even leave my house without thinking my white neighbors are going to come and take it over. Claiming manifest destiny or some shit. :D Luckily, I have black neighbors on my east side, now. (Dunno know how many of you will actually get that reference. lol)


Seriously, though, I can respect that you don't mind being stopped for no reason, however, that's your opinion. Many do mind for reasons I've already mentioned. As far as the rest goes, I'm not worried about my home being broke into. I've lived in far worse places than what Columbus has to offer and have never feared a break-in, etc. Nor, have I ever really needed the services of the police. Quite the opposite, I've been harassed more times than they've been helpful.

I DO NOT live in fear and I DO NOT need to relinquish my freedoms for paranoia, mine or any others. Currently, I live in one of the worse neighborhoods known around here. Granted, they've really cleaned it up from what I've heard and things are far from perfect, but I've never had a problem (well, for a little bit, but they were neighbors who were disrespectful assholes, took care of that...). Car left open, garage left open, doors, etc. Guess what, never a problem. I don't need to be harassed by the police to not have my stuff stolen.

You say, "People want everything but want to sacrifice nothing." I agree, however, you may want to take a step back and try to understand perspective. You say this as an example of my type. However, with a clear and open mind, maybe you can see how I view it. I'll even use your quote context.

I want Freedom, and I'm willing to Sacrifice some fear, harassment, and paranoia for my given and rightful freedoms.

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I thought you lived in Delaware


I do, however, this neighborhood well known as a very bad drug and crime ridden area. They have gone thru great lengths to try to improve the area. Including even changing the street names to shake the bad image. Personally, I don't think the area is bad at all, especially compared to other places I've lived. Sure, there's still a lot of shady deals going on around here and a regular cop presence (they don't patrol alot, just get called a lot). My point is, I don't live in fear whatever area I live in. Have bad things happened to me? Yes. But it doesn't rule my life. Shit happens. You win by living your life free of fear and paranoia.

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