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So now, when the health care bill doesn't get passed


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That race was a referendum on the current administration, and on healthcare. Even when liberal Massachusetts cant get a Dem. into a Senate seat, you know how the populus feels about this thing.


This bill has thus far been back room dealing, cronyism, and non-transparent from the beginning.

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Hello credit union I need to take out a medical bill loan for $10,000. Why? My wife had surgery 12 months ago and this is how much I have to pay according to my insurance company. Oh and something about collections as well can you help me with that?



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Hello credit union I need to take out a medical bill loan for $10,000. Why? My wife had surgery 12 months ago and this is how much I have to pay according to my insurance company. Oh and something about collections as well can you help me with that?




No you don't. Hospitals/doctors/dentists/etc won't turn you over to collections unless you aren't making payments. They will allow you to take as long as you need to pay it off, and do not charge interest. If you take out a loan to pay medical bills you're a moron. You'll be paying more per month in principal, plus paying interest. Just saying.

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No you don't. Hospitals/doctors/dentists/etc won't turn you over to collections unless you aren't making payments. They will allow you to take as long as you need to pay it off, and do not charge interest. If you take out a loan to pay medical bills you're a moron. You'll be paying more per month in principal, plus paying interest. Just saying.


WAS A JOKE don't be so cereal. Will use /joke next time. Also I like you to know I finished paying out the bills and it did take me 12 months. No loans :)

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The bill wasn't about helping Americans obtain healthcare anyway.


Nope. It's about selling more insurance policies lining the pockets of the insurance companies and the politicians who have been paid off and own interest in said insurance companies.

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He won this state by 26 points over McCain, if thats any indicator. Democrats outnumber Republicans 3 to 1.


and independent voters outnumber democrats and republicans combined.


this wasn't a referendum on the obama administration, this is a referendum on how legislation is being pushed through.


maybe now we'll get a healthcare bill thats only 40 pages long and makes a little sense.


also, this wasn't a democrat vs. republican thing as much as it was a "brown is a good guy who seems to be connecting with his voters" vs "who the fuck does coakley think she is?"

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"It's not that the Democrats are playing checkers and the Republicans are playing chess. It's that the Republicans are playing chess and the Democrats are in the nurse's office because once again they glued their balls to their thighs."

That's the line of the show :funny:

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I find it funny Obama tried to get people in Massachusetts to vote the lady running for senate for the bill in office, but the people voted for the other guy. Now they talk about redoing it all over again. The people spoke and they don't want it why try again?
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I find it funny Obama tried to get people in Massachusetts to vote the lady running for senate for the bill in office, but the people voted for the other guy. Now they talk about redoing it all over again. The people spoke and they don't want it why try again?


You think the majority of people don't want health care reform?


See me in 10 years when you are denied coverage for the acne you had at 16. Just because the current bill is a disaster doesn't meant it was fixing something that wasn't broken.


My hope is that it will wake up republicans to realize that the path back to power is via centrist philosophies and not the religious demagogue bullshit that has been pervasive for the past 10 years.


My fear is that it will calcify their current mantra of "just say no" to everything in hopes of derailing any democratic accomplishments. Political posturing for two straight years, without even a hint of a unique idea or solution, should not be a behavior that is rewarded.

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You think the majority of people don't want health care reform?


See me in 10 years when you are denied coverage for the acne you had at 16. Just because the current bill is a disaster doesn't meant it was fixing something that wasn't broken.


My hope is that it will wake up republicans to realize that the path back to power is via centrist philosophies and not the religious demagogue bullshit that has been pervasive for the past 10 years.


My fear is that it will calcify their current mantra of "just say no" to everything in hopes of derailing any democratic accomplishments. Political posturing for two straight years, without even a hint of a unique idea or solution, should not be a behavior that is rewarded.


this is the political post of the year

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You think the majority of people don't want health care reform?


See me in 10 years when you are denied coverage for the acne you had at 16. Just because the current bill is a disaster doesn't meant it was fixing something that wasn't broken.


My hope is that it will wake up republicans to realize that the path back to power is via centrist philosophies and not the religious demagogue bullshit that has been pervasive for the past 10 years.


My fear is that it will calcify their current mantra of "just say no" to everything in hopes of derailing any democratic accomplishments. Political posturing for two straight years, without even a hint of a unique idea or solution, should not be a behavior that is rewarded.


The system is broken in so many ways it's not even funny. Ask a doctor how much malpractice insurance is. Ask a nurse how understaffed hospitals are. Ask a pharmacist about drug patent shenanigans.

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and independent voters outnumber democrats and republicans combined.


this wasn't a referendum on the obama administration, this is a referendum on how legislation is being pushed through.


maybe now we'll get a healthcare bill thats only 40 pages long and makes a little sense.


also, this wasn't a democrat vs. republican thing as much as it was a "brown is a good guy who seems to be connecting with his voters" vs "who the fuck does coakley think she is?"


Dems, Republicans, Independents, whoever. Those same 26 points that were swinging for Obama, just swung against him. If that wasn't a referendum on the current administration, and their legislation, idk what is.


It couldn't be any more clear.

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You think the majority of people don't want health care reform?


See me in 10 years when you are denied coverage for the acne you had at 16. Just because the current bill is a disaster doesn't meant it was fixing something that wasn't broken.


My hope is that it will wake up republicans to realize that the path back to power is via centrist philosophies and not the religious demagogue bullshit that has been pervasive for the past 10 years.


My fear is that it will calcify their current mantra of "just say no" to everything in hopes of derailing any democratic accomplishments. Political posturing for two straight years, without even a hint of a unique idea or solution, should not be a behavior that is rewarded.


Yes, just say no is exactly what you need for a bill like this. We don't need a trillion dollars of spending just to fix the system. Don't "fix" the system with spending, just draft legislation holding insurance companies liable for what they agree to when entering an agreement with a policy holder. It won't cost us anything, except paying the legislators to draft it. Instead, what we have is a bill full of earmarks, back room dealings, and special deals. Its completely rediculous, and it comes at the cost of all tax payers.


And again, it goes back to personal accountability. With over 1/3 of Americans either overweight or obese, its no wonder insurance companies are in the position they are in. Americans are as unhealthy as ever, its no wonder insurance companies aren't being held accountable, because Americans aren't even holding themselves accountable for their own actions. Insurance is a calculated gamble, plain and simple. Tell me, would you go to the horse track races and put down $100 on the fattest horse you could find in the field? Didn't think so.


Take care of yourselves, and you can mitigate most of your health issues.

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You think the majority of people don't want health care reform?



Not in the bloated, halfassed and rushed version that we were presented with.


I can agree with not allowing denial due to preexisting conditions. I can agree with limiting malpractice lawsuits. I can't agree with new expenses, new taxes to cover the new expenses, forcing people to get coverage, and adding taxes to my current insurance plan because I'm willing to spend a bit extra for a good one, but I'm not in a union.


Fix the fix. Do it right or not at all, and right now I'm firmly saying not at all.

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