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Guest 614Streets
No full track prep kinda sucks. No point in ruining your ride just to conform to a street style race on a track. Not big on the tire size rule or the no wheelie bar rule either. Im more of a run what you brung , bite off what you can chew fan. NDA cut footage> KOT streets
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They are racing street cars... No wheelie bars on street cars... It's king of the street not king of the track... If you look at 377ndacut footage the street cars have no wheelie bars, stock suspension, and a 28/10.5 max tire (that's the big thing now days down south)... I have been to these races in the Carolina's and I know what I'm talking about... Run what you brung is more fun to watch, I agree... But that's not what they are running on KOTS...
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Guest 614Streets

Oh I think now that its 2010 its all changed. Its king of the track now days. I mean realistically if you think about it the NDA cut format is just looking in at raw call outs minus any organized event. I have been noticing for years now that everytime somebody starts to make rules , it takes all the fun away. Why not let the racers decide who they want to run and let them bring the money. The KOT theme is based around class style racing so its not really street themed like they claim.


Any chance you will be around this year?? I mean the Rat Nova doesnt even know what it could go up against??? :)

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