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Last Fist Fight


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Been in a couple full on fistfights, and a couple pointless tussles (only one time as direct result of my own actions and not my stupid friends). Also was robbed in a parking lot and took a beating but I don't count that. I really don't care to be in another fistfight, that shit gives me a fucking headache.


Never been knocked out cold, but I got hit hard enough that my lights went out for a split second. Not fun at all. Never "lost" a fair fight either per se, but when you have to resort to violence there really aren't any winners.

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Been in a couple full on fistfights, and a couple pointless tussles (only one time as direct result of my own actions and not my stupid friends). Also was robbed in a parking lot and took a beating but I don't count that. I really don't care to be in another fistfight, that shit gives me a fucking headache.


Never been knocked out cold, but I got hit hard enough that my lights went out for a split second. Not fun at all. Never "lost" a fair fight either per se, but when you have to resort to violence there really aren't any winners.


i win. all the time.

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Never been knocked out cold, but I got hit hard enough that my lights went out for a split second.


I know that feeling. When I was sparring I took a right hook directly to my left eye. While I couldn't see, I caught another right to "the button" and went down like a sack of potatoes. Its weird when your brain says "stand" and your body says "fuck off".

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In high school I smarted off to a guy standing in front of me for lunch. He turned around and popped me in the upper lip, I fell and blacked out for a good 10 seconds. He was very apologetic for the rest of high school. Unfortunately I hold grudges pretty bad.


I will stab him 20 times.

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In high school I smarted off to a guy standing in front of me for lunch. He turned around and popped me in the upper lip, I fell and blacked out for a good 10 seconds. He was very apologetic for the rest of high school. Unfortunately I hold grudges pretty bad.


I will stab him 20 times.


Bastard will die in 2 minutes!

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It's been a while, about 10 years. I had just moved here from North Carloina. I was a Sophomore in highscoll. There was this dud that was a lot bigger than me that just decided he didn't like me and would try to get me to fight him and I wouldn't do it. One day on the bus ride home from school he had brought a iceball onto the bus and threw it at my head missing by about 2 inches. So I told him I was sick of it and if he wanted to fight, that was what was going to happen. We get off the bus into about 6 inches of snow, the backpack goes on the ground and I walk up to him. Now ( I don't like fighting so I was going to try my best to minimize how much I actually hurt the dude.) He grabbed me and tried to throw me but when he did, I used the force he used to bring him to the ground too, I got overtop of him real fast, put him in a full nelson, pulling his arms back until the wouldn't go any further and burried his head in the snow while all the other kids laughed and threw snowballs at him. I gave it a few minutes until I knew his pride was destroyed, asked him if he was done because if not I was going to start punching him in the face and he said he was done so I let him up. That ended it. Never had to take crap from that dude again. I was happy too because I would just much rather hurt someone pride than hurt them physically, though if it gets physical, I will finish that too. Now I just carry a Glock so if someone comes at me now...they are going to have another thing coming.
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Seriously my last fight was at Hara arena for toughman contest. I got knocked out.


I fought a tuffman contest winner... a few times actualy. All they do is throw hay makers and bombs. If you can move and make em' miss enough. You can out last them, then make your move. :cool:

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