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Spring Break Panama City 10, Will you be there? Watercrest Condo March 16-27


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One life accomplishment coming up =)




I'm sitting here before we goto Wii bowling night at average Joes checking out pictures and this shit will be off the CHAIN, Good friends beer and girls what more could I ask for oh wait were taking a CTS-V...


Life is too good.

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One life accomplishment coming up =)




I'm sitting here before we goto Wii bowling night at average Joes checking out pictures and this shit will be off the CHAIN, Good friends beer and girls what more could I ask for oh wait were taking a CTS-V...


Life is too good.


Hey, there will be a turbo fox also ;)

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TWO MEN DOWN FROM PANAMA City Beach! Farewell Mopar and Jeff. You will be missed on this trip. We will be sending lots of pictures so it will be like you were here with us. And Jeff since your Iphone does not recieve pics you can check my uploads on FB. If anybody else backs down from this trip I am going to be pissed. Edited by Zach
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