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iPhone vs Droid


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yes it is hacked and apple wont let it run stuff in the backgroud because of dumbass people that would keep putting stuff in the background like games and kill the battery. Yes I can background stuff and do it all the time so you are very mis informed and need learn before speaking. We have widgets and its not really an app as it sits anywhere that you want lockscreen or on the springboard, and its still a widget you need to look up the definition. I can transfer files via USB and wifi why do i need a removable card?? i just access it via wifi and much faster then removing a card putting it in somewhere else then opening it on a computer.


Well good for you. You made the phone do that, its not what the phone does. Even with what you described its only a half assed attempt at what android can do out of the box. Show me the USB port on your phone. All I see on the bottom of iphones is apples goofy ass connector. When you plug an iphone into a computer, it does not recognize it as a USB device, and you can not just drag and drop files onto the SD. I dont have to remove it to do that, but I sure as hell can if I wanted to.


I looked up widgets for iphone, and it does not look anything like the widgets you would see for android. EDIT: The Lockscreen widgets are similiar, but still no desktop.


You claim to be an advanced user, and like you said most people are tards and will not be able to do what you did to make the iphone more android like. Most people will leave the devices as they are out of the box, some might do some light "hacking" but nothing too crazy.


I would love to sit your mad haxx0r iphone next to my nexus or even my G1 and compare the 2. I'm sure I will see things that I didnt think was possible on the iphone, but you will see it doesnt come close to android.

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Well good for you. You made the phone do that, its not what the phone does. Even with what you described its only a half assed attempt at what android can do out of the box. Show me the USB port on your phone. All I see on the bottom of iphones is apples goofy ass connector. When you plug an iphone into a computer, it does not recognize it as a USB device, and you can not just drag and drop files onto the SD. I dont have to remove it to do that, but I sure as hell can if I wanted to.


I looked up widgets for iphone, and it does not look anything like the widgets you would see for android. EDIT: The Lockscreen widgets are similiar, but still no desktop.


You claim to be an advanced user, and like you said most people are tards and will not be able to do what you did to make the iphone more android like. Most people will leave the devices as they are out of the box, some might do some light "hacking" but nothing too crazy.


I would love to sit your mad haxx0r iphone next to my nexus or even my G1 and compare the 2. I'm sure I will see things that I didnt think was possible on the iphone, but you will see it doesnt come close to android.


i concur that the iphone widgets arent quite up to yours yet but we are working on them but they are still widgets lol. As for the usb transfer i can do that on mine over the goofy apple cable thingy :p i can thank you guys for coming out with that phone cause maybe now apple will get their asses in gear with the next phone which will surpass the droid's. Its a game of cat and mouse each company outdoes each other each time a phone comes out. And before you ask if i ever have used the droid yes i have as i hack those phones too for a bunch of my friends and even looking into working on some apps for the other side :p

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And you dont know anything about android's



That is correct. That is also why you haven't seen a single post from me saying what it can or can't do. I just simply know from all the reviews and videos I have seen that the Droid is not a 'current' iPhone killer. You have any idea how much farther ahead the new iPhone will be considering the current hasn't been beat...c'mon!

I am sure Droid is a great phone for what it does..even more so when you root it or whatever, but it'll never have iPhone beating power. My opinion.



Well good for you. You made the phone do that, its not what the phone does. Even with what you described its only a half assed attempt at what android can do out of the box.


WTF, dude....The Droid's just started coming out. The iPhone has been out since the 2G, years ago, same layout. Well, great if they managed to create a nicer layout. Now let Apple retort to Droid with the new release and see where they all stand.

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The only comment that I am going to make is, why is the iPhone people saying how great it is, when they have to "jailbreak it" (*cough modify *cough) to make it work exactly like Andriod does out of the box... and even at that it's just a half assed attempt.... to quote Will Smith, "iPhone: old and busted, Droid: new hawtness"
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Why is the iPhone people saying how great it is, when they have to "jailbreak it" (*cough modify *cough) to make it work exactly like Andriod does out of the box


As an Iphone user, I agree. I always said I'd never have an iPod... but I essentialy do now because, despite some obvious shortcoming, I like the device (iPhone, not so much the iPod) - I HATE being tethered to iTunes).


However, I think Kickass is referring to Android phones as a whole, not just the Droid specifically. Personally, I don't like the Droid all that well so far based on some limited tinkering. I don't see any of them as iPhone killers, but the new stuff like the Nexus and such are starting top really "bring it".

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The only comment that I am going to make is, why is the iPhone people saying how great it is, when they have to "jailbreak it" (*cough modify *cough) to make it work exactly like Andriod does out of the box...


I will say out of the box, the Droid's seem to have more to offer. More appeal and coolness. However, you have to realize the Apple interface is pretty much legacy..minor updates at best since the 2G, first phone. The Droid has had all this time to develop something to be better. Congrats they did it. Now..allow Apple to come up with something new.

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That is correct. That is also why you haven't seen a single post from me saying what it can or can't do. I just simply know from all the reviews and videos I have seen that the Droid is not a 'current' iPhone killer. You have any idea how much farther ahead the new iPhone will be considering the current hasn't been beat...c'mon!

I am sure Droid is a great phone for what it does..even more so when you root it or whatever, but it'll never have iPhone beating power. My opinion.



WTF, dude....The Droid's just started coming out. The iPhone has been out since the 2G, years ago, same layout. Well, great if they managed to create a nicer layout. Now let Apple retort to Droid with the new release and see where they all stand.


Well I know exactly what iphones can do out of the box, and I know exactly what androids can do out of the box. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and this is mostly what this is, opinion e-battles with some facts thrown in here and there.


Yup, the iphone was the phone the breakthrough phone no doubt. But I will still argue that the 2G was a fail because it did not have 3G, when I already had a phone that was 3G back then, and could do everything the iphone did except wasnt a touch screen. Technology is going to keep getting better, so we can only argue whats cool right now because a month from now there will be something else for us to argue about.

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I will say out of the box, the Droid's seem to have more to offer. More appeal and coolness. However, you have to realize the Apple interface is pretty much legacy..minor updates at best since the 2G, first phone. The Droid has had all this time to develop something to be better. Congrats they did it. Now..allow Apple to come up with something new.


And those minor updates cost you the devoted apple fan dearly each time. And yes, like I said before, they are going to keep coming out with new things which is great for us because we need companies to have competitions like these because it pushes innovation.



And yes, I am not talking about any specific android device, but android in general.

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The only comment that I am going to make is, why is the iPhone people saying how great it is, when they have to "jailbreak it" (*cough modify *cough) to make it work exactly like Andriod does out of the box... and even at that it's just a half assed attempt.... to quote Will Smith, "iPhone: old and busted, Droid: new hawtness"


This man speaks truuf. I saw something about having multiple apps running on aniphone would kill the battery. That's why there's a an "app" for that haha its called advance task killer and its free. Droid is the new hawtness. The driod is heavy buti likethat about it I always know where my phone is because of its weight. And as to iphone and verizon word is when they get 4g they will have it.


Jones man up and get some finger strength and hit those damn keys! :D

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but i guarantee you that if verizon gets the iphone you will see similar network problems as they also dont have the infrastructure to handle the huuuuuge bandwidth that us iphone users take up. They claim they are ready but i see the same thing happening with verizon once all the kids and teens get their hands on the phone, dropped calls, slow networks, and the same thing att has right now. I have never had one problem with att no dropped calls or anything and i am all over


You think droid owners dont use data? LOL

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I find it funny my old POS blackberry can do everything you are talking about above. Bottom line when it comes time for my annual upgrade I will buy a droid. Until then I will enjoy listening to slacker radio, while sexting over blackberry messenger, sending MMS videos of my cock, and browsing http://www.hotmale.com while driving on 270. Don't forget about the bluetooth headphones that will stop the music for when I get a call from my special lady.


Epic phone no dispute.

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but i guarantee you that if verizon gets the iphone you will see similar network problems as they also dont have the infrastructure to handle the huuuuuge bandwidth that us iphone users take up. They claim they are ready but i see the same thing happening with verizon once all the kids and teens get their hands on the phone, dropped calls, slow networks, and the same thing att has right now. I have never had one problem with att no dropped calls or anything and i am all over


Verizon started updating their network before the droid came out to handle more capacity. A lot of iphone users have already transferred and are using their phones without issue. Att has the same plans, until recently had more customers, and posted a higher profit... yet Verizon spent more on their network than them. This shows me that Att is all about putting money in their pockets at the expense of their customers spotty data service.


And for the record... The nexus is hands down the best phone on the market today.

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You may hear tomorrow (between 1pm and 3pm) that AT&T will not be the only carrier with the iPhone this year. :o


Love my 3GS, non jailbroken iPhone, goes great with my other Apple products.


Question... Do you think Apple is asking for too much money, or ATT's public network issues are causing Apple to break the deal? Or do you think Apple is just being greedy and wants to pull in as much money as they can? The last extension of the contract was a bad idea in my book. If they would have offered the iphone to more carriers before the droid came out they would have cleaned up. Now people have options.

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I find it funny my old POS blackberry can do everything you are talking about above. Bottom line when it comes time for my annual upgrade I will buy a droid. Until then I will enjoy listening to slacker radio, while sexting over blackberry messenger, sending MMS videos of my cock, and browsing http://www.hotmale.com while driving on 270. Don't forget about the bluetooth headphones that will stop the music for when I get a call from my special lady.


Epic phone no dispute.


You know Bluetooth on the iPhone is fully functional with headphones. My Moto S9s start and stop music and answer calls.

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AT&T is happy to see the iPhone go to verizon or other carriers. We apple people love to complain. They are sick of us and if some of their customer jump ship it will releave some strain on their network. AT&T can't keep it to themselves anymore. We don't notice it here, the density is not there. Go to NY in the city and try to use 3G. Good luck. It has been clear to me that other carriers are getting the phone, the ads AT&T run prove that. The question I have is can Quallcom make the chip in enough quantity this year for it go to verizon? The rumor is No. I'm staying with AT&T though, not had any issue other than the MMS bullshit that went on.

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